Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Online job market shows some promise - Business First of Buffalo:
The Help-Wanted Online Data Series for May showed job openings via the Internefttotaled 14,700 down 13.2 percent from 16,9009 a year ago. The however, was up from 13,900 in April. New listingsx fell 23.2 percent year-over-year to 9,600 from 12,600 but again were from 9,200p last month. Rochester’s decline for totakl ads was 20.3 percent from May 2008, droppin g to 10,600 from 13,300 but up from 10,20p in April. New listing online in that markettdropped 28.2 percent to 7,100 from 9,900 last year but were up from 6,80 a month ago. Nationally, the Conferencee Board said advertised vacanciesrose 250,000 to 3.
36 millionm in May — the first sincer the modest gain of 21,000 in Octobet 2008, and the largest since October 2006. Even with this month’ws increase, online advertised vacancies remaineddown 1.15 or 25 percent, since last
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Rising dollar, softer global markets likely to impact South Florida - South Florida Business Journal:
Between May 2006 and May the weak dollar fueledthe region’sa 44 percent jump in exports, but that trend along with other economidc drivers tied to international trade – may suffer since the dollar swung sharply while oil prices The rising dollar is “nog great news for South Florida’s economy becausw we are so tourist based and trade based,” said Michael professor of economics at the .
The rising dolladr and weakening LatinAmerican economies, which had benefited from high commodities will hurt the real estate and manufacturingf sectors as fewer foreigners buy American, he Still, South Florida will remain a globalo economic crossroads – particularly when it comesd to Latin America. While internationaol tourism may contract, the decline will be less dramatic than inothere regions, Connolly said. One examplr of this is , the leadingh carrier at (MIA). American is actuallu expanding service to Latin America and the Caribbeah while it cuts capacity atother airports, MIA spokesmam Greg Chin said.
While it’s too early to tell how the changinvg dollar and global recession mayimpacg MIA, the airport has generally been stablde during the downturn. For the fiscal year ended in MIA’s total international passengers wereup 5.6 despite a slight drop in domestic flyers. This was relateed to the strength of the Latin Americam and Caribbean markets and the weak Chin said. International cargo was up, too. While the said globao cargo traffic wasdown 7.7 percentg in the past 12 months – “the worsty decline since 2001,” Chin wrote in an e-mail MIA’s international freight increased by 1.26 percenf and total freight decreased 1.
13 At , international traffic was up 13.4 percenty in the first eight monthsx of 2008. American Airlines and Miramar-based both addefd international service. Nicki Grossman, president of the Greater Fort Lauderdalwe Convention andVisitors Bureau, said in a statemenr that tourism will be impacted by the downturn, but wouldn’g estimate the extent of the damage. “Thisz is new territory for tourism in she said. A CVB spokeswoman said about 20 percent of touriste are expected to be internationalthis season, rivalin g last year. However, the bureauh is stepping up advertising and public relations budgetse by 10 percent to attractforeign visitors.
June Wolfe, presidenft of the , said a weakening export markey would likely impactthe region’s manufacturing But, pharmaceutical and biomedical equipment manufacturing are among the sectors that should remain unharmed. Anothefr plus is that manufacturers may decide to relocatde from abroad if the cost of doing businesws here becomesmore Still, that could be scuttled if globalp markets stay soft, Wolfe “The dollar is goinh to have a role, but people worldwides are buying less.
” The softening world marketzs are a bigger concern than the risingg dollar, but Latin American countries are better balanced than in the past to keep feedingf South Florida’s economy, said Manny ’s senior VP of international trade and business “This isn’t the Latin American debt crisie of the ’80s” he said. The high commodities pricez that fueledLatin America’s brisk expansion have but “they are sitting on reservesa they never had before.” Mencia said travel and real estats in South Florida remai n bargains for many foreign investors.
He predictedf the state won’t necessarily see a declinse in exports, but the growt h won’t be as brisk. “Bug then, I’m paid to be an optimist,” he added with a
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hundreds of Syrians Demonstrate Supporting President - | Hundreds of Syrians Demonstrate Supporting President Hundreds of Syrians marched in the streets of Damascus on Friday, supporting the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Protestors taking motorcades waved Syrian flags and chanted slogans in favor of Assad one day after the government announced reforms ... Special from Syria: Deraa residents demonstrate in wake of massacre, regime ... Thousands defy Syrian troops and demonstrate in Deraa Witnesses Say Syrian Troops Fire On Protesters As Regional Unrest Rages |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: McKay Elected State GOP Chief - GoLocalProv
Providence Journal | BREAKING NEWS: McKay Elected State GOP Chief GoLocalProv Avoiding any public discord, Ken McKay was elected Rhode Island Republican Party chairman Saturday as his opponent, Patrick Sweeney, withdrew his candidacy prior to the vote before 175 delegates at the convention at the Quonset "O" Club. ... Former Carcieri aide elected RI GOP chairman |
Monday, March 21, 2011
Many Bahraini Protesters Angry With United States - NPR
Globe and Mail | Many Bahraini Protesters Angry With United States NPR Anti-government protesters demonstrate in front of the Saudi Embassy in Manama, Bahrain, on March 15. Frenzied clashes swept Bahrain a day after a Saudi-led military force entered the country to help defend the Sunni monarchy from a ... Saudi Shi'ite protests simmer as Bahrain conflict rages Saudi Security Detain 89 Shiite Protesters, Activist Says Bahrain's king thanks Saudi troops for thwarting 'external plot' |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Marquette law school to run foreclosure mediation program - Business First of Buffalo:
The Milwaukee Foreclosure Mediatiomn program will bea voluntary, court-based independent mediation optiomn for lenders and borrowers. The program, located at the Milwaukewe County Courthouse, will seek to alleviate the currentg backlog of foreclosure cases in the county coury system by offering the option of mediationm to residential homeowners who residein owner-occupied According to the Law in most cases, successful mediation will serve as a venure to work out new loan terms, a shorgt sale or other solution that is mutually agreeable, and execut a final agreement between the The funding includes proceeds from a settlement with which was accused of misrepresenting the quality and benefite of its products.
Under the announced in February, Countrywide agreed to pay $1.6 millio n for foreclosure relief benefits. The mortgage lending giantg also agreed to waive various loan fees and modify loans for customers that could result in a tota settlement valueof $41.1 million, according to the Attorney General'xs office. Beginning May 28, an informational phond line will be operational for those interested in learning more aboutrthe program. Interested parties may call 414-288-4040. Mediation activities will beginn afterJuly 1.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Senate rejects corporate minimum tax hike - Washington Business Journal:
Democrats needed 18 votes — a supermajority required to raisetaxew — to send the bill to Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s Beaverton Democrat Mark Hass voted againstthe measure. Democratz will likely try to convince Hass to vote for the measure byamending it, possibly by writinfg a sunset into the bill. “It all dependws on him,” said J.L. Wilson, a lobbyist for Associated Oregon Industries, the state’as most powerful business group. “Hass made it clead in his floor statements thathe didn’t thini it was a fair option to increase taxes permanently.
” Such a sunsetr could lead other Democrats to vote against the However, because House Bill 3405 was technically tabled which would allow the measure, as written, to come up for anothere vote if leaders so choose majority leaders could also lobbg moderate Republican members to support the corporatew tax hikes as presented. At the closr of Wednesday’s session, Sen. Margaret Carter, a Portland Democraf and co-chair of the Ways and Means gave an impassioned benedictionm that seemed to imploreRepublican “nay” The measure was tabledf as a procedural move.
Senators can call for a revote on a measurwthat fails, change their own vote to a and then request that the matter be ostensibly so they can reconsider theit vote. Sen. Richard Devlin, the majority used the move in an efforg to have thematter reconsidered. After the vote, the Senats tabled a related measurwe to raise personal incomr taxeson high-income individuals. “I’m disappointed that we came up short I really believed that the packagw brought forward by the chairs of the Revenur Committees would bring greater fairnesz and equity to our tax system and help fill the unprecedentecd gap in ourstate budget,” said Senat President Peter Courtney in a news “We won’t, however, let this setbacl derail the session.
We are going to move forward towarx adjournment byJune 30.” House Speaker Dave Hunt issuee a similar statement. “Wer passed this revenue package becausd we believe itis fair, balance d and protects critical services like education, healtb care and public safety,” Hunt, a Democratt from Clackamas, said in a news “We are making $2 billion deep cuts to the This revenue package ensures that we can protect those core servicea of education, health care and public Without it, the cuts we will have to make will shutter harm seniors and cut to the bone the services Oregoniand care about greatly.
” The House on Tuesday voted to increase the current corporate minimum tax from $10 to between $150 and depending on the size of a business. Undeer the plan, corporate income tax rates would have risenbfrom 6.6 percent to 7.9 percent before reverting to 7.6 percenty in 2011. The measure would have raisef $261 million over the 2009-1q1 biennium and $775 million betwee 2009 and 2015. All told, 125,000 Oregon corporations would have paid more Another measure sought to raise income taxes on individua filers earning morethan $125,000 and joint filersx earning more than $250,000. The bills combined wouldr haveraised $582 million over the next two yearse and $1.
2 billion over the next six Lawmakers contended the measureas could help reduce the state’s $4.2 billionb budget shortfall. Throughout the day, lobbyists tracked meetings between Courtney, Hass and Democrativc senators Margaret Schrader andJoannwe Verger, who were believed to be swingh votes. Verger had expressed reservations, like Haas, that the tax increased would become permanent. Schrader and Vergert eventually voted yes on the corporatrtax measures. Hass couldn’t be reached for comment. “Hr had to have a lot of courage to cast that saidJay Clemens, president and CEO of Associated Oregoh Industries.
AOI recently organizedd the Alliance of OregohnBusiness Associations, which represents more than 40,000 businesses across the It had called for a $300 flat tax, regardles of business size or income. Even before Hass’ vote, business groups had expressed concernes that Democrats were seeking a permanenftax hike, not a temporary one. Phil the former Oregon Secretary ofState who’s now an executive with Beaverton-baserd CorSource Technology Group, confirmed that many businessesd were upset that Democrats sought to make the corporated income tax rate hike, from 6.6 percentg to 7.9 percent, permanent.
“We were told it would be temporary,” Keislinb said of the earlyu talks regarding theproposee hikes. “And we askedr them this week, ‘What part of temporar don’t you understand?’”
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Richard Rodier plays it cool as head of Balsillie legal team - Phoenix Business Journal:
In other words, he looked the opposite of the way most peoplesdescribe him. Rodier is the lead advisere to CEO Jim Balsillie inthe billionaire’s bid to buy the out of bankruptct and relocate the team to southern Over the course of the five yeards he’s advised Balsillie, Rodier has been describex by people who have dealtf with him as everything from the derogatory (Balsillie’w henchman) to the praiseworthy (a tough and uncompromisinv negotiator).
“He certainly doesn’t mincee words,” said Mayor Fred Eisenberget of Hamilton, Ontario, where Balsillie hopes to movethe “If you were a medicak doctor, he’d have a lousy bedside but he’s very engaging and we’vee found him good to work with. I respecf his passion for Mr. Balsillie, his passion for hockey and his directnessz inhis approach.” Rodier’s Balsillie, declined to comment about him, but a series of conversations with thosew who have worked with him offer a glimps of one of the central figuresw in the Phoenix Coyotes’ bankruptcy case. The case will resumes with arguments about relocationJune 9.
Rodier has never closed a sportsbusiness deal, but his firsft deal has the potential to be one of the most unforgettable acquisitions in sports. He grew up in a middle-class Jewish family in Montreal, wherew he played hockey, followed the Montreaol Canadiens and read anything onhis family’es bookshelf, from the Hardy Boys to everu James Bond thriller. As a youngg man, he wanted to work on the Canadiahn equivalent of Wall known asBay Street, or become a businesss attorney. He attended the Universityt of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and graduated with an undergraduatr degree in economicsin 1978.
He then went on to the Universit of TorontoLaw School, earning a law degrese in 1984 and coming to the Canadian bar in 1986. Balsilliw graduated from the University of Toronto in 1984 with anundergraduated degree, but Rodier said they didn’t know each otheer at the time. For two decades, Rodier practiced businesse law at a variety ofCanadiahn firms, including McDonald & Hayden and Gardined Roberts. He specialized in corporatde law, banking, securities and insolvency. It was working on his firstf bankruptcy case in 2003 that brought him into the worlds ofsports business.
The Ottawa Senatorss had recently filedfor bankruptcy, and he startedr to follow the case closely becausre of his mutual interest in sports and the bankruptcy In 2003, reports surfaced in the Canadiann media that Rodier entered an all-casj bid on behalf of a company calledr HHC Acquisitions to buy the Senatora out of bankruptcy and move the team to But representatives from the club who were with the team at the time said that no one recallsw dealing with him or being presented with a bid from HHC. Citingb solicitor-client privilege, Rodier declined to comment. Rodier has been aroun the NHL ever sincee and began working with Balsilliein 2004.
He serves as the billionaire’s adviser in negotiations for the Pittsburguh Penguins in 2006 and the Nashville Predatordsin 2007. It was Rodier who told NHL Commissioner Gary Bettmamn and Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly in late 2006 that Balsillide would not agree toa seven-year non-relocation covenant outlinec in the league’s transfer of ownership paperws for the Penguins, and it was Rodier who helpedc manage the season-ticket deposits in Hamilton for the Predator in June 2007. In NHL circles, those efforts and other s earned him a reputation asan agitator.
At a 2008 sportsx business conference in Toronto runby then-Anaheim Duckss General Manager Brian Burke, several people in attendancse recount a tense moment when Rodier posed an antitrusgt question to Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Presidenty Richard Peddie at the end of a panel session. “Why, if I’mn in the city of Toronto, can’t I watch the Ottaw a Senators?” Rodier asked. “I’nm not going to debate antitrust law with said Peddie, who did not return calls requesting commengt for this story.
Rodief defended the question last week, sayingf that it was “To ask a question that makes someone who may be operatinf outside the law uncomfortable is not in my view a bad he said. That line of reasoninv is similar to the one he uses whenexplainin Balsillie’s pursuit of the Rodier believes that the NHL has put objective criteria in its bylaww limiting the relocation of franchises, but that it cannot arbitrarilu control the right to move a franchise. “Tp characterize what we’re doingt as rogue or agitator or tryingt to get around the rules is a Rodier said. “We’re trying to say, ‘Followe your own rules.
’ The rules are there to create the fictiohn that the league is following applicableantitrusft law, but it’s not.” While he argues that the case is simpl and straightforward, its significance is not. Even he says that regardlesd ofits outcome, the case likely will be taught in sports law classese for years to come. But that’s not what he said drivesz him. Getting a team in southernb Ontario does.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Nissan consolidates distribution centers in Mount Juliet - Kansas City Business Journal:
Plans to build a 717,000-square-foot industrial building for the company in the Couchvillee Pike Business Center were announced Tuesday bythe center’w owner and developer . Construction is slated to begi laterthis month. The move will combine Nissan’a operations now housed in two buildings in Smyrn a in the AlamvilleRoad area, and no additional jobs are expectec to be added, says Nissan spokeswoman Julie Lawless. The tentative opening date is April she says. The new Nissan Parts Distribution Center will featurea 32-foot clear height and a truck parking/loading area to accommodate 275 truck trailers arouncd the building perimeter.
The building is designed to accommodate futurw expansions upto 1.2 million square Don Kent and Clinton Gilbreath, both vice presidentxs with in Nashville, brokered the long-terkm lease. Terms were not disclosed. The Couchville Pike Businesse Center is located 25 miles eastof Nashville.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Boise State has several holes to fill as it starts spring practice - USA Today
USA Today | Boise State has several holes to fill as it starts spring practice USA Today Unlike last season when Boise State returned almost » |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Church Activities: March 5, 2011 - Charleston Gazette
Church Activities: March 5, 2011 Charleston Gazette The event will be either at the Old Schoolhouse Park, if weather permits, or in the church activities room. For more information, call 304-415-9495. King's River Worship Center in St. Albans will sponsor a series titled "Just Walk Across The Room," by ... |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Amber Prida of Spa Jardin: Family first - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
I have about 10 to-do lists going at any givemn time. How do you keep yourself currenrt inyour field? I travel to other award-winning spas and trade and I’m committed to ongoing training to keep currenft on new techniques and the most effectivse products on the market. Where do you get new ideas? By travelinh as much as possible. I strive to make clients’ servicews top-notch, so I applyh what I learn and experiencwe in other metropolitan citiew tomy businesses, with my own artistidc twist. How do you organize your “things to do list”? My familgy is my first priority.
Business-wise, my priority each morning is to make sure my employees have all the tools at their fingertipsa to makeeach client’s experience amazing. What’s a valuable lessoj a mentor taught you related toyour profession? Two “Surround yourself with the right people who shared your vision” and “All the detaile in life are important.” This has really led to one of my busines philosophies for my clients, which is, “If you touch all five senses, you can truly alter someone’d mood.” How do you measure your own success? I love what I’mn doing with my life.
I measure my successd by the continued enthusiasmk and loyalty of my clientsand I’ve had some of the same clientxs since I opened Spa Jardin 10 years ago, and I stil l have the first employee I ever hired. How are you and your business dealingh with theeconomic downturn? June marks the 10-year anniversary of Spa Jardin. When the propertyu next door became available, instead of expandinyg on spa services, I openes Melt Out to be more economically Melt Out isa walk-in concept with the same qualit of service in much less time with on-the-go-pricing and a kid-friendlyh environment. What did you want to be when yougrew up? Makeupl artist.
I was always the girl in the back of the classa putting makeupon everyone. What’s the most personap item in your office and why isit there?? A paperweight with a photo of my it always makes me If you weren’t in your current career, what would you be doing ? Interior design. It’s definitely a passion that I draw from to createunique décor in all areas of my life. If you coulfd have dinner with oneperson you’ve never met, who woulde it be and why? Bill Gates. He’sw an iconic entrepreneur who I admire for his seeming desirer toalways one-up himself in business, and whiled doing that, definitely seemas to have his morao compass going in the righy direction.
Who are your heroes in the busineszs worldand why? My heroes in today’ws business world are all small busines owners who have the perseverancde to keep their doorzs open in this challenging What do you read for business and for pleasure? My readingt habits are so ranging from Economist to Real Simple. Tell abourt a sticky situation in yourlife (businesd or personal) and how you got through it. After being in a severe car accident in high school that put me in intensive care forthree months, I struggledd to learn how to walk again. How could Tampa Bay change to be morebusiness friendly? Tampas definitely needs better public transportation.
Every other flourishing city hasa well-operated transit system.