Friday, December 31, 2010

Texas scheduled to get billions for technology, construction - Houston Business Journal:
Construction companies and technology firms should already be trackint upcoming projectsof interest. The fundintg will flow to local communities throughg a varietyof sources, including stimulus local bond initiatives, disaster recovery programsd and non-stimulus grants. The influsx of dollars will result in thousandsd of opportunities to builxdnew facilities, renovate and modernize existin buildings, upgrade and enhance existing technology and providee infrastructure improvements.
New and newly renovated facilities will also requireupgraded security, furniture, fixtures and Despite all the talk surrounding the Americabn Recovery and Reinvestment Act, most of the funds have not yet started flowing. A recent report stated that less than 6 percent of the total funding has been released by thefederao government. Watch for Texas school districtws to receive large chunks of the Some school districts already have authorizationb tobegin spending, but most of the activity is stilo a month or so away.
This summer, the Texas Education Agency will open an application periof forthe $4 billion State Fiscal Stabilization Fund — one of the largest federal stimulus programs. The stabilization fund is wrappeds around grant programs and the money can be used by districtsz for a variety of purposes such as the modernizing ofschook facilities, upgrading technology infrastructure, purchasing technology building science labs, buying educatiob equipment and redesigning high schools for more efficiencgy and student success. In the fall, an additional $60 millio n will be made available to Texas school districtas through a funding source known asthe Ed-Tech grant program.
This program fundes the purchase of technologty to improvestudent achievement. Districte may also use the funds to buy technologuy to help withthe collection, managementf and analysis of student data. The Texass Water Development Board will get a large sharew of the stimulus Becauseof that, the agency has receivefd $10.7 billion in funding requests for clean water and drinkingf water infrastructure projects. Eligible applicants will be notifiexd of their allocations in June and July and entitie should begin advertising for bids on the constructioj projectsby September. Texas was appropriated about $2.6 billion in stimulusw funds fortransportation projects.
Some biddingt processes have already but the process will be ramping upfor months. Althougj details are still pending, the ARRA also provides funding for improviny broadband in rural and urban Depending on how the money is allocated in there is a potential for billions of dollars to flow tolocalp communities. And, in spite of the weak Texas voters approved morethan $1.3 billion in locapl bond elections on May 9. The approved funding will financer capital improvement projects such as new andrenovated facilities, large equipment purchases and improvef infrastructure such as parks and drainage.
• Collegse Station Independent School District: $144 million for a new high schoolo campus, new elementary school campus, new transportation renovations to the existing high school and the purchaseof • Carroll Independent School District: $138 million for new schools, expansionm of existing schools and an overhaup of technology infrastructure. • City of Plano: $128.6 millioh for capital improvement program projectsz forpublic safety, libraries, park improvements, recreatiobn center improvements, street improvements and a technology servicee facility. • Allen Independentr School District: $119.
4 million for a new athletic highschool auditorium, transportation maintenance and student nutrition center. Midland County Hospital District: $115 millionn for facility improvements to Midland Memorial Hospital including a new patient towerwith 240-pluws beds, expanded emergency facilities and more telemetry Even more funding will make its way to Texasx in the form of non-stimulus grants to schooo districts. A bill approved earlier this monthh bythe U.S. House of Representatives woulds provide Texas school districts withabouyt $600 million to modernize schoolsa and improve energy efficiency.
In the bill includes $600 million in separate fundd for public schools damaged by Hurricanex Katrinaand Rita. The programs discussed here represenft only a few of the sources of federaklstimulus funding. There are many otheer programs that will provide funding for airportimprovemenft projects, port security, transit programs, improved securitty and more. Government contractors should be lovingv life in Texasthese

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Free Joint Pain Relieving Health Supplement Available From Health Freedom ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Free Joint Pain Relieving Health Supplement Available From Health Freedom ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Health supplement manufacturer Health Freedom Nutrition is giving away 30 capsule bottles of their breakthrough joint health supplement, Glucosagen One, ...

and more »

Sunday, December 26, 2010

North Korea: a rare look at a nation built on illusion - Seattle Times

North Korea: a rare look at a nation built on illusion

Seattle Times

Visiting Pyongyang as an outsider is like entering a par »

Friday, December 24, 2010

Give the Gift of Citizen Science This Holiday Season - (blog)

Independent Online

Give the Gift of Citizen Science This Holiday Season (blog)

From December 14 through January 5th, you can be one of thousands of bird enthusiasts who join Audubon's 111th Christmas Bird count (see how to get involved ...

In Christmas tradition, Gulf Coast birds counted

Washington Post

In Christmas Tradition, Gulf Coast Birds Counted


Bird-counting a winter tradition

The Daily News of Newburyport

ParentDish -KARE -Duluth News Tribune


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Audit shows surplus decline at Pinnacol - St. Louis Business Journal:
According to the recentt audit fromDeloitte & Touche LLP, whicnh lawmakers reviewed Monday, the decrease is relatesd to losses on bonds and commonn stocks. Pinnacol’s reserves were a sourcs of scrutiny earlier this year when Colorado legislatords attempted toraid $500 million from the insure to plug gaps in the state Lawmakers argued that because Pinnacol is a politicalo subdivision of the state, its reserves were fair game. But legislatorsz later retreated from the raidafter Pinnacol’s CEO threatened to sue the stat and Gov. Bill Ritter indicated he woulx not supportthe move.
A special committee will look into Pinnacol’s operations under Senate Bill 281, approve by lawmakers and Ritter during the most recentGeneral Assembly. Supporters of the bill said that Pinnacol’s uniques structure should be examined more But opponents of the legislation say the committeew isa “witch to dismantle Pinnacol, which functioner better since it started operating as a private interesty in 2004. In an audit summary, Deloittew said it identified financial misstatementsthat haven’t been correcter in the company’s books totaling $7.
5 million in net Pinnacol replied that the uncorrected statements are Pinnacol reported a tota l of $2 billion in asset s in 2008. It declared additional policyholder dividendzof $120 million that year.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bill would remove the bar on Kansas City area's outside drinking - bizjournals:
A provision deep in House Bill 132, which dealsa with several issues concerningliquor sales, would allow Kansaas City to grant festival liquor licensees to districts such as Westportt and Martin City. Presently, the is the only area that can have event sfeaturing open-air liquor consumption without getting separate, temporary permit for each event. HB 132 was to make its way to Gov. Jay Nixon’as desk on May 29. The Powed & Light District gained the ability to receive a festivaol liquor license as part of2005 legislation. Representatives of othefr districts have sought similar treatment to countef what they claim is an unfaircompetitive advantage.
HB 132, comes with a series of compromises. Festivalp districts must undergo a hearingy before the annually to submi t plans for any festival events forthe year. This streamlineds the current permitting process, in which a district must obtaijn permission foreach event. The new legislatiomn also would require districts to obtai n written approval of events from 50 percent of the groul ofproperty owners, business owneras and residents who live within the district.
The provisionb concerning the festival districts sunsets intwo “It’s got a few components to it that are the resultzs of compromising, and I think, at the legislativ level, that is to be expected,” said Charlex Renner, a lawyer representing several community improvemenr districts. “I think it’s going to be an opportunity and assef for a lot of thebusiness districts.” Not all the districtzs are pleased with the way the legislation turned out. it’s too bad that we have to make the kindsz of compromises we do just as a local entityh to compete againsta non-local entity here in our own town,” said Jon executive director of the .
“That pretty much says it all.” Engelman said Westport has no immediate plans to stage specifi cfestival events, in part, becauser the legislation wouldn’t become effectiv e until September, after most of the district’s summer He said the two-yeat sunset provision is an opportunity for districts to show they can handlse festival license rights. , developer of the Powet & Light District, lobbied against the bill this year, as it had in the preceding two years, when similar bills stalled inJefferson City.
Cordish officials have voiced concernz about whether other districts couldoffer festival-styld events safely but also said the Power Light District was promised the exclusive right to offe open-air liquor consumption during former Mayor Kay Barnes’ administration. A spokesman for Barnes said last year that no suchagreemen existed. Jon Stephens, president of the Power Light District, declined to discuss HB 132 unti l Nixon decided whether to sign the The governor has 45 days to make his decisionh once the bill hitshis desk.
Scott Holste, pressa secretary for Nixon’s office, gave no indicationh of what Nixon thought about the Renner said that if Nixon signzthe bill, the community improvement districts probably would seek an extension in two years.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

State might drop HMO contracts - The Business Review (Albany):
In an interview with The Business Journal, Timberlake said departmen officials are unhappy with the performancre of the seven HMOs under contracrt with the state to providew health insurance coverage tothe 165,000 Milwaukede County residents enrolled in the state’s BadgerCare plans, whicn provide health insurance to low-income Included in BadgerCare are people eligible for the state-federal health insurance plan for the poor and people with Timberlake’s department is evaluating a proposakl to end contracting with multiple HMOs in favorr of bidding out a singl contract with one HMO or health insuranced company.
“We’ve looked at what’s going on and we’red not only dissatisfied with the but have doubts the future will be any Timberlake said. “We will either go with a different model or fundamentally change theway we’rre doing business. Either way, it’s goingf to feel like a significant change to many of thecurrenf participants,” referring to the HMOs. Timberlakd expects the HMOs that now serve the Medicaid population will bid on the state which she said will be more tightluy aligned with cost and qualitg targets set bythe state.
For the HMOs that lose their state contracts, the change could mean a loss in millions in revenue and thousands of Forsome HMOs, theit state contracts date back to 1984. Timberlake said the statee is about a month away from making a final decision on how it will changwthe program. The HMOs in questiomn are , , , , , and of Wisconsinb Inc. Since 1984, Wisconsin has requirer Milwaukee County residents eligiblefor Medicaid, now part of the state’s BadgerCare program, to enroll in an HMO for health insuranced purposes.
The state has had contracts with the HMOs to providew coverage and managethose enrollees’ medical Currently, the seven HMOs underd contract in Milwaukee County represent more than 25 percengt of the state’s total BadgerCare Plus population, which was 635,00 0 as of May 2009. The proposedc change to the managed care system in Milwaukere County was initiated by state dissatisfaction withthe HMOs’ performancse over the past two years, and the stated budget crisis, Timberlake said. The stated is facing an estimated $7 billion deficigt for the 2009-2011 biennium. In Timberlake’s department has been asked by Gov.
Jim Doyle’s officr to cut $415 million from the Medicaid progranthis biennium. If the HMO contract remains as itis now, the statr will spend $61 million this year on nonmedicaol payments to the seven HMOs in Milwaukee according to a recent report by the Departmengt of Health Services in Madison. The state pays the HMOs a fixefd rate per Medicaid member per per member. Rates vary dependint on an HMO’s contract. In exchange for the the HMOs are expected to provide comprehensive healthj servicesto recipients. The HMOs’ payment from the stat e includes theiradministrative cost, whic is 16 percent in the highest administrative rate in the country, accordingt to the report.
Meanwhile, state and federalo surveys of HMO quality found several HMOs in Milwaukee Counth areperforming poorly. Immunizatiohn rates, lead testing for 1-year-olds and diabeteds management were as much as 24 percent lower than state andnational averages, according to the Departmenf of Health Services. These measures are a way to determine whetherd the HMOs are doingtheir job, whicjh includes certain types of preventive care to keep the Medicaide and BadgerCare population healthy. “We have been spendinf a lot of money and not gettin the quality we believe we should be Timberlake said.
“I think the data wouled suggest that a numbert of plans have been struggling to hit even the basic qualityy targets that we have in place for quitd sometime now.” Managed Health Services, Network Health Plan and UnitedHealthcare had the four lowesy scores among Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus HMOs, according to a 2008 surve y given by the U.S. Department of Health and Humanb Services. Primary care physicians are also not effectivelg being used by MilwaukeeCounty HMOs.
According to the state, in only 22 percent of Managed Health Servicesx network members and 27 percenyt of UnitedHealthcare members visited their primarh carephysician — these two HMOs are the largest in Milwaukede County, serving 84 percent of the Medicaid population.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DR. JAMES MARION SIMS - Wilmington Journal


Wilmington Journal

NEW YORK--The statue of Dr. James Marion Sims, a surgical pioneer considered the father of modern gynecology, stands amid fallen autumn leaves in northeast ...

and more »

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hawaiian Telcom files reorganization plan - South Florida Business Journal:
The company, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcygin December, said the steering committee representing thosse who hold claims under the company’sz secured credit agreement supports the plan. “Ther filing of the plan and disclosurs statement is an important achievement in ourrestructuring efforts,” said Eric K. Hawaiian Telcom’s president and CEO, in a “The plan provides for a significantly deleveraged capital and the terms of the new debt give us greaterf financial flexibility to executre our business plan and invest innew products, betterf positioning the company for future success.
” A hearing to consider approval of the disclosure statementf has been tentatively scheduled for July 23. The plan includes the conversiobn ofapproximately $590 million of the company’sw senior secured credit facility and swap liabilities into the new equith of the reorganized company and a new $300 million senior securedf term loan maturing in five Holders of $350 million in senior notes will get warrants to buy 12.75 percen t of the reorganized company’s new equity and subscriptionj rights to buy new equityt up to $50 million. The company said it expects to emergs from Chapter 11with $30 millioh undrawn revolving credit facility and at least $45 million of cash on hand.
Hawaiian Telcon is owned by , a Washington, D.C.-basede private equity group. Carlylee bought the assets of in May 2005for $1.6 and began operating independently with its own systems in Aprilk 2006. The plan and diclosure statemengtare .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Renowned doctor joins WaferGen board -

Renowned doctor joins WaferGen board

WaferGen Biosystems Inc. on Thursday named Dr. Timothy J. Triche to its scientific advisory board. Fremont-based WaferGen (OTCBB:WGBS) focuses on systems ...

WaferGen Expands Scientific Advisory Board with Appointment of Industry Leader ...

PR Newswire (press release)


Monday, December 6, 2010

Matt Ryan: The Comeback Kid for MVP - New York Times (blog)

SB Nation Atlanta

Matt Ryan: The Comeback Kid for MVP

New York Times (blog)

Matt Ryan of the Falcons might not be the best quarterback in the NFL Or the biggest, or the fastest or the strongest. ...

NFL Playoff Picture: Why Does Matt Ryan Struggle In Outdoor Road Games?

SB Nation Atlanta

Matt Ryan Engaged: Falcons QB Hitched to College Sweetheart Sarah Marsh »

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Southwest implements new fees for pets, kids, third bags - Houston Business Journal:
William P. Hobby Airport in Houston is the sixth-busiesr airport in terms of daily departures for The Dallas-based airline will allosw passengers to bring a small dog or cat into the cabibn with them during flights for a fee of $75 each way. The pet must be containee in a carrier that fits under the and that carrier will count asthe passenger’sz carry-on bag for those flights. "Wse know from customer and employee feedback that ournew 'pet' customersa will be a welcomed addition to any flight," Southwesft Airlines Chairman, President and CEO Gary Kellyh said in a news releasre Friday.
However, Southwest (NYSE: LUV) also will begijn implementinga $25 each-wauy service charge to watch over childrejn ages 5 to 11 who are unaccompanied by That service previously was offered for free. "We are prourd to offer an outstanding service for our young customers travellin g alone but realize that the extra service does come at a cost to the Kelly said inthe release. Also, Southwest will increase its existinv service charge for a third bag oroverweight (51 to 70 bag from $25 to $50.
Passengersz will continue to be able to checjk two bags under 51 pounds withouta "We continue to alloew our customers to check two bags on Southwesrt for free, making our baggage policty far and away one of the most generous in the industry," Kell y said in the release. "The increase in the baggagr charge impacts approximately 1 percenyt ofour customers." The baggagw policy will take effect on June 17. The pet and unaccompanied-minorr charges will apply to tickets purchased on or afte r June 1 for people flying on or afterJune 17.

Monday, November 29, 2010

'Transformers' has huge debut, 'Up' passes 'Star Trek' - Boston Business Journal:
"Transformers" brought in an estimated $112,000,000 over the weekend, and an estimatesd $201,246,000 since the movie's debut According to a report onthe site, it was the second-largesr five-day debut in history, trailing only "The Dark Knight." The movie was shown on about 10,000o screens at 4,234 sites, according to the Another new release over the weekend, ' "My Sister'es Keeper," came in fifth at the box officd during the weekend, bringing in an estimated Last week's number-one movie, Disney's "The fell to the second spot, bringingf in an estimated $18,466,000. Warner Bros.
' "The Hangover" and "Up" came in thirds and fourth, bringing in an estimateed $17,215,000 and $13,046,000, respectively. In overall box-office revenue for the there was a shake up atthe top, with passing "Star Trek." The top five overalkl movies for the year to and their estimated receipts are: -- $250,218,000 "Star Trek" -- $246,225,000 Revenge of the Fallen" -- $201,246,000 "Monsters vs.
Aliens" -- $195,971,00 0 "The Hangover" -- $183,247,000 Of the top five, it looks like "Thee Hangover" has the most bang for the buck, as its budgeft was only $35,000,000, compared with the other four, which had budgete of at least $150,000,000.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Weatherization projects get stimulated - Business First of Buffalo:
That’s because the federal stimulus act calls for an infusionh ofnearly $400 million, up from abour $100 million, to be used on weatherizatioh in New York before October 2011. That’s good news for weatherization director for SupportiveServices Corp. It’s also good news for othetr organizations likehis – ones that receivse funds from the New York State Department of Housinf and Community Renewal to provide weatherizatio n services and conduct energy “That could have a huge Wojcik said of the nearly fourfold increas e in funding to weatherize homes. As a he’s already planning to increasehis 24-person staff to 32.
And whilee his not-for-profit organization weatherized395 single-family homese this past year at a cost of $4,218i per unit, they’re looking to expand the scope of theif work. Likewise, Dave Laczi is looking to perhaps add 10 tohis He’s weatherization director for Lt. Col. Matt Urban Human Services Center ofWNY Inc. They focus on weatherization efforta on theEast Side. “Becauses of the influx of money, we changed our initiak focus to acceptmore multi-unit projects,” Wojcik adding the funds for larged projects were never He anticipates being able to weatherize the same amoun of single-family homes.
“At least in the short-term, we’ll look to weatherizde more rental unitsand multi-family housing,” he said. But since the DHCR’ws plan has not yet been approved, Laczo said, “everything is subject to Department of Housing and Communityy Renewal spokeswoman Nancy Peters said the plan is awaitinhg approval by the Departmentof This, she said, coul take a couple months. The plan can be foundr at

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eagles' Hobbs done for season with neck injury - Press of Atlantic City


Eagles' Hobbs done for season with neck injury

Press of Atlantic City

The team offici »

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Analysis: Perry's 'states' rights' battle cry evokes history that could damage ... - Dallas Morning News

Dallas Morning News

Analysis: Perry's 'states' rights' battle cry evokes history that could damage ...

Dallas Morning News

Perry's use of the phrase to unite fervent opponents of federal meddling has made him a national voice â€" but he risks damaging his message if he's seen as a ...

and more »

Friday, November 19, 2010

Aggressive lobbying defends mortgage-trading system - Washington Post (blog)

Aggressive lobbying defends mortgage-trading system

Washington Post (blog)

The financial services industry has launched an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill to bolster the legality of the ...

and more »

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Intrust Arena lands state wrestling tourney - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Arena manager Chris Presson, who works for management company , says the has a one-yeafr contract. The tournament earlier this year was held at theKansass Coliseum’s Britt Brown Arena, which will closr when Intrust Bank Arena opens in “As a safety valve for both us and they wanted to do a one-year deal. We wantedr to make sure it Presson says. This is the first high schook sports eventthe 15,000-seat arenas has attracted. Presson says he eventually hopes to lurethe 1A-4zA state wrestling tournaments as well so the wholre event is under one roof, much like the statwe track meet at Cessna Stadium at .
Pressoh also says the contracyt also opens up a relationship betwee n SMGand KSHSAA, with the possibilityh of luring other state high school events. “Thart is a big get for us. That is a majoe feather in our cap,” Pressoj says. He declined to disclose the terms ofthe deal. “Thety were very easy to work with. They were very diligent in protectinvg thosethey represent,” he says.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

High Grade Silver Mineralization Sampled at Condor's Chavin Property, Peru - MarketWatch (press release)

High Grade Silver Mineralization Sampled at Condor's Chavin Property, Peru

MarketWatch (press release)

Since optioning the Chavin property in April, 2010, Silex has engaged the local community, contracted for an environmental impact study to cover the ...

and more »

Monday, November 15, 2010

More A380 Engines May Need Replacement, Reports Say - New York Times

Spiegel Online

More A380 Engines May Need Replacement, Reports Say

New York Times

"We are currently working with Rolls-Royce on an agreed program which will cover the replacement of a module in our A380 engines,” said Nicholas Ionides, ...

Two Singapore Airlines A380s back in service after engine replacement

More Qantas A380 engines need replacing

Sydney Morning Herald

RR sees single component failure in Trent 900 event; company is replacing modules



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gaining Momentum - Dallas Business Journal:
is using its own capital to buy its way into American Momentum ispaying $2.3 million to acquire a Texaxs bank charter and open a full-servic e banking operations in the state. It’a acquiring a charter and one branch in Galveston from Texas IndependentBancshares Inc., a multibank holding company that is consolidating three bank charterxs into one. Pending regulatory American Momentum will also open a branch inColleged Station, which is home to Americanb Momentum’s chairman, Don Adam.
(Adam sold his previous Texas bank, , to in It has already opened a loan production officeein Dallas, which is led by David Barr, who previously worked for Citigroul and American Momentum rankes among the top banks in capital-to-asse strength nationwide. It had $200.5 milliojn in total assets on Sept. 30. — Tampa Bay Businessa Journal

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ada overseeing Public Works hearing -

Ada overseeing Public Works hearing

Guam - The Committee on Transportation chaired by Senator Tom Ada will hold an oversight hearing over the Department of Public Works this ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

BART extension may get $40M - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
It would be the first installment of upto $240 milliob the commission is expected to spend on the 16.1-mile extensiomn of BART from Fremont to San Jose and Santa Clara. This is in additiohn to $400 million commissiobn members previously allocated forthe project. Federal funds will also be used to covee the total costof $6.1 billion to build the line. Last November, Santa Clar County voters approveda 1/8-cent sales tax increase to operate the which will be overseen by the . The Bay Area Rapifd Transit District, based in Oakland, currently operates 105 miles of trackin Alameda, Contrs Costa, San Francisco and San Matepo counties.
Carl Guardino, president and CEO of the , is a membe r of the commission. The 11-member group is responsibl e for programming and allocating funds for the constructiohof highway, passenger rail and transit improvements

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

UPS opens first phase of Worldport expansion - Business First of Louisville:
billion Worldport expansion at Louisville International The first phase will allow UPS to expandits package-sorting capacity at the hub by 15 to 350,000 packages per hour, from 304,009 packages per hour. Atlanta-based UPS UPS) said it exceeded its minority-hiringv goal of awarding 20 percent ofits $240 millionn general construction budget to minority- and women-owne d businesses. When the project was announced, three phasezs were planned. To date, only two of the phasew have been approved bycompany officials, said Jackise Blair, public relations manager for UPS The second phase is schedulede to open in May 2010.
A third phasse will be initiated when the economy turnsz around and air freightshipping rebounds, Blair When the total project is complete, Worldportf will be expanded to 5.2 million square feet from 4 million squarw feet. The number of aircraft docks will be expandeed to 70from 26. The numberr of conveyors will be expandedto 31,578 from 12,874.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Phase Forward inks $10M marketing deal - Boston Business Journal:
The marketing deal calls for Covance clientsd to gain access toPhasr Forward’s InForm electronic data capture system and Clarixc interactive response technology Phase Forward (Nasdaq: PFWD) officials said the busines buyout and marketing agreement will be finalizef by the end of August. Covance chairman and CEO Joe Herrinyg identified in a press release that Phas e Forward isthe company’x “preferred provider of EDC software for clinical trials.” Phaswe Forward has been on a deal-makinb spree lately.
Last month, the company signed a licensing, supporgt and hosting services dealwith , centered arounde the InForm Integrated Trial Management In April, Phase Forward announced a multi-year, multi-million-dollarr extension of an earlier agreementg with contract research organization (CRO) Everest Clinical Research Services Inc., also focusedr around the InForm product. Phase Forward posted revenue of $170.2 million for a 27 percent increasefrom $134.3 million in 2007. The company’zs net income, however, was $13.8 million in down from $29.2 million in 2007.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cushman & Wakefield loses third Miami exec - Dayton Business Journal:
Caplin’s exit is the latest of severalrecent high-profilee departures at C&W in The firm is one of South Florida's largest real estate brokeragea and, like other brokerages, has seen few investmengt deals in the last Former branch manager Tere Blanca left in the spring to launch , a firm focusec on office leasing and Hank Klein, executive director of C&W in was notified last month that his position was being eliminated. Steelbridge owns and manages propertuthroughout Florida. It sold , on Miami’s Brickellk Key, for $150 million in 2007 aftefr an eight-year hold. Steelbridge founder Gavin Campbell will continue as managing sharing the helmwith Caplin.
Caplin is one of a handfuol of commercial brokers involved inSouth Florida’xs largest commercial transactions. Caplin said his exit is in responser to a paradigm shift in locak investment that comes at the tail end of a where leasing and management for institutional investors became secondary tomarkey momentum. During the boom yearse leading upto 2006, the expectation was that assets with stronf track records could be purchased and flippexd quickly for big returns. For a short period of time, some ownersd made the strategy work, but then the economic meltdowhn put the brakes onthe market.
who bought in the last few years, were holdingv assets that cost too much compared tomarketg fundamentals. The market has now shifted back to fundamentalo principlesof investment, with institutional investors and private capital “seeking to co-invest with strong, nimble, locapl operating partners,” Caplin said. “The market and investors mostlybelieve it’as about operations on the groun d and knowing how to position a building in a particulat submarket,” he said.
Caplin oversaw more than $7 billiojn in transactions at C&W, including $307 million purchase of a half-stake in downtown Miami’e landmark and full ownership of the 1221 Brickell buildingin 2006. He was involvec in the sale of 355 Alhambra in Coral Gablesfor $87.3 million in 2008 and is currentluy working with Hines to refinance its debt at . Caplin is a graduatwe of south Miami-Dade County’s Palmettko High School. He graduated from in 1985 witha bachelor’ds degree in finance and real estate. Two years he left C&W’s appraisal group to launcgh the company’s local investment sales operation.
Caplin was part of a team in the late 1980as that first specialized in investment sales in Duringthe mid-1990s, Steelbridge Capital had 2 milliomn square feet of commercial real estated in its portfolio in seven Florida markets includingh Jacksonville, Naples and Miami. They sold much of it from 2005to 2007. Caplin’a arrival marks another periodof opportunity-investmentr for the company, Steelbridge’s Campbell said. "Wer think valuations are finally starting to lookattractivr again,” Campbell said in a statement.
“The opportunity to buy Floridq assets at significant discounts to replacemenf costis imminent, while the long-ter m job and demographic prospects for Florida and the Caribbeanb basin are as strong as ever. Jay’zs leadership will be the linchpibn ofour strategy."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Analyst: Morgan Stanley-Citi deal could eat into Legg Mason's profits - San Francisco Business Times:
On June 1, Morgan Stanleyu (NYSE: MS) and Citi (NYSE: C) finalized theie deal to combine the wealth managemenrt businesses of Morgan Stanleyand Citi’s division. The new MorganStanley SmithBarney, oversees $1.7 trillion in client Baltimore-based Legg Mason (NYSE: LM) manages between $25 billioj and $30 billion in money market sweep assets for Smith Barney an amount that could be reduced or lost entireluy as a resultof Citi’s deal with Morgan Stanley, FBR analysg Matt Snowling wrote in a research note.
A cash swee p occurs when uninvested funds ina customer’s account are investeed automatically into a money market account so they don’tt sit in the account without earning interest. Morganb Stanley, which already handlesd its own cashsweep program, could move the businesa currently handled by Legg Mason in-house. That coulxd slice as much as 10 cents a shars fromLegg Mason’s earnings starting next year, Snowliny wrote. “Mitigating the impact somewhat is the timingf ofany changes, which would not likelh occur until 2010, give the time line for integrating the account technology of the two he wrote. Executives with Legg Mason could not beimmediatelhy reached.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fast Track: For George W. Bush, Kanye West incident was 'an all-time low' - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Fast Track: For George W. Bush, Kanye West incident was 'an all-time low'

Los Angeles Times

Kanye West managed to irritate both Taylor Swift and George W. Bush. (Joe Corrigan / Getty Images for Universal Music) West says the Taylor moment is ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

D.C. Mayor taps Valerie Santos as deputy mayor - San Antonio Business Journal:
Santos, as chief operating officerf under Albert, has been closely involved in decision-making on many of the real estated dealsAlbert managed, including major city projectes such as Poplar Point. Albert begab his new job as city administratoron Monday, replacintg Dan Tangherlini, who is taking a job in the Obamsa administration. "In Ms. Santos, we not only have a steadyh hand who knowsthe job, we have someone who is a consummatee professional who will bring private-sectotr talents to get the job done,” Fenty Santos was previously a vice president at commercial real estate services firm and a managefr with 's real estate group.
She holds both an MBA and master'se of public policy from the Kennedy School of Governmentat . Santoss has displayed a no-nonsense approacj appearing as Albert’s stand-in to testify at D.C. Council meetinga and in public forums representing the city when he was She is already getting her feet wet in dealinyg with the political aspects ofthe job. On when the D.C. Council was busy squarinb away final details of budgetimplementation legislation, Santos and Albert’s other top deputy, Director of Developmentg David Jannarone, moved around the Wilson Building seekinh changes from council members.
Santoz apparently was not Fenty’s initiakl choice to be deputy Greg O’Dell, Washington Conventionn Center Authority CEO and a formee staff member of the deputy mayor’a office, had been considered a top candidatr to replace Albert, but a source close to O'Dell says he was offerede the job and turned it down. O’Delkl would not confirm that, but indicated he would remaihn in hiscurrent post, wheree he is now tasked with seekinvg public financing for all of a $550 million conventioj center hotel. “The board and the mayodr have every expectation of me completing all the taskse Ihave here,” he said.
Fenty would not say whether he had offeredr the jobto O’Dell or anyone else before He announced the pick outside the Walker Jonesx Elementary School, which is being rebuilt as part of a new Northwestt One neighborhood, and said she was “thes first person who has risen to the deputy mayor’s positionm from within the ranks.” “I think it’ss a great sign for the D.C. governmenf that not only does Valerie Santos have amazinbg experience in the private sector butthat she’as been hard at work serving the people of the Distric of Columbia for the last two the mayor said.
He said Santos sharee the vision that he and Alberty had for how economivc development in the city shouldbe run, not by ownint or overly managing projects but by allowing the private sector to bringv ideas to the city. “We shoulds try to just facilitate development. We’ve got the greatest busines s community in the world herein D.C. We don’t need to try to replicates what they’re doing. We don’t need an emphasisz on owning or building inthe D.C. We need to facilitate. And to do so, we need to hire the best and the brightes tand we’ve done that.
” Santos, 36, who lives in Columbiw Heights, was working for Jones Lang LaSalle as a consultant to the city when Albergt -- whom she called a mentor -- recruited her to work for him. She is believec to be the first woman to serve in the rolefor D.C. and will manage 65 employees and as well as overse e the Officeof Planning, Department of Housinfg and Community Development, the Office of Propertgy Management and the Washington D.C. Economic a contractor. “In the coming weekw my goal is to ensurde asmooth transition, which I expecft will be relatively easy, because I am very fortunate to manage a very talente d and skilled team,” she said.
She said she woulrd continue to move projectws all over the with a particular focus on those east of theAnacostisa River, such as the planned redevelopment of St. Elizabeth Hospital in Southeast D.C. “We will continue to focusz on implementingMayor Fenty’s vision for economic In the context of the current economic climate, we will focuzs on business attraction and retention efforts, and in continuingt to provide tools to allow our local busines s and not-for-profits to grow,” she said. A membe of the D.C.
Council who regularly butts headswith Albert, Councilman Kwame Brown, D-at largre and chair of the economicv development committee, issued a press release duringv the announcement saying he was disappointed he was not invitexd but saying Santos “has the experiencse and the operational knowledge” for the job and that her appointmeny was “an opportunity to forgew a new relationship between the Councilo and the executive to create jobs for District residents, new opportunitiese for local businesses, more affordable housing and to efficientlyy move projects to completion.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Air America, Bonneville reach local marketing agreement for 1050 AM - Portland Business Journal:
The progressive talk radiok network has reached a local marketing agreement with to begin broadcasting its programmingon Bonneville’sa 1050 AM signal in the Washington area. Air America expectd to launch during the monthof June, althouggh an official date, call letterd and programming line-up have not yet been As part of the agreement, Air Americaa will essentially lease the signall from Bonneville, and then handle operations, programming and advertisinv sales. Financial terms of the multi-year deal were not Air America has hired some local sales and will occupy a small spacein Bonneville’x Washington offices. “Air America is obviously very interestexd inthe D.C.
market,” said Bennettg Zier, Air America’s CEO and a former executivde with Clear Channel and Red ZebraBroadcasting locally. “It’s where decisionsa are made. Its number one business is politics.” Air Americqa initially approached Bonneville to put together the which had been looking for someone to pick up the The deal came togetherf during the pastfew months. Currently, Bonnevillre simulcasts WTOP’s signal on 1050 AM, along with some sportz programming. The sports programming will Bonneville Senior Regional Vice President Joel Oxley which will mainly be heard on nightsand weekends.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Its customers had One of the first tasks the new managementf ofthe Dublin-based fast-food chain undertook last fall was to survey more than 5,009 consumers. The results helped shape planning for all aspectsw ofthe business, owned by Atlanta-based Wendy’s/Arby’ s Group Inc., including Wendy’a once-heralded new-product development pipeline that had lost its pizzazzx in recent years. “We didn’t have a disciplines testing process,” said Chief Marketingb OfficerKen Calwell. “We’ve rebuilrt it.” The result is a company-recorcd 14 products in testing.
One of the firstt to make it throughb is bonelesschicken wings, which are hittinyg the chain’s more than 6,00p restaurants. Calwell, who was in charge of marketin g and research and development for before returning to was theburger chain’s vice presiden for new-product marketing, research and planning from 1998 to 2001. “Io was involved in new products,” he “We had great salexs and outpacedour competitors, but the last few years have been challenging for Wendy’s.
” His group expanded testing to include more operationaol measures to better ensure new product s can be made efficiently and still be Wendy’s is testing at franchisedf operations as well as its company-owned Key to the new process is a 256-question surveg for each item before it can hope to get a greenj light, he said. The questions cover all aspects of the from its taste to financial issues to operational The areas of emphasis will be premium andvalued products, based off Wendy’s core chicken and dessert Frostys. The chain introduced two Frosty s with coffee flavorsthis year.
Calwell said consumer researchshowed Wendy’ s was well-regarded for its chicken, so an expansioh of that line into bonelessd wings made sense. One of the wing a sweet and spicy Asian will be featuredin advertising. Calwelol said the flavor in particular is popular in dishes at casuak and Asian restaurantsand Wendy’s wanted to offer it. , a Chicago-basedf restaurant research company, singled out the use of ethnic flavor s as an industry trend forthis

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oken Jeet Sandham Lauded for National Muaythai at Jammu - KanglaOnline


Oken Jeet Sandham Lauded for National Muaythai at Jammu


JAMMU, Oct 24 (NEPS): Several high ranking officials from Jammu and Kashmir State and Indian Olympic Officials have lauded Oken Jeet Sandham, President of ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NYSE top percentage gainers of the day (RCL, MCP, COH, CML, TNC) - Tech24


NYSE top percentage gainers of the day (RCL, MCP, COH, CML, TNC)


(NYSE:RCL) Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. belonging to the Services sector and General Entertainment industry currently is trading at a price of $40.23, ...

and more »

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eliza Corp. Survey Reveals What's Really Impacting Our National Health ... - NewsBlaze

Eliza Corp. Survey Reveals What's Really Impacting Our National Health ...


(BUSINESS WIRE) - Eliza Corporation, the partner more healthcare organizations turn to for engaging, automated outreach, announces the results of a ...

and more »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Follow the four I
Make no mistake about it: Partners come in all shapeds and sizes. Everyone has God-givemn gifts and talents to sharew — once the relationships are assembled However, making bad connections zaps toomany salespeople. A properlyt utilized, diversified group of partners will take you to the top of the Fail onthis mission, and you will feel like Capt. Kirk and urgentlyh plead for Scotty to beam you up and out of Maximizing the power in your partners lets us work smarted andmore efficiently, and provide the quality of life we all • Identify the source.
• Investigate whether the source sharees your visionand • Implement a plan between you and your • Interconnect the right sources. • Referrak sources: compensation going in one direction. • Strategic two people in the same broad industry who exchange referralswithout compensation. Strategic alliances: people in different industries who share the sametargetr market. • Centers of influence: a cliengt who likes you and has given you at leastf twounsolicited referrals. • Reverse referral an old referral sourcewho can’yt give you referrals directly but has people under them who can do so.
Here is a typicapl scenario: A life insurance professional meets an and everything is fine for a while untiplone partner’s pail of watert is empty. In this it is probably the accountant’s. Why? The life insurancre person probably did not identify that sourc e correctly and assumed it was a typicaklstrategic partnership. Question: Who do you thin k has more clientsto refer? The right? So, since the life insurance personn cannot feed the beast, it eventuallyh eats him. That partnership was misclassified; it was probablt a referral source.
There are so many I have createda “peers, partnerws and profits” concept to learn how to identify and connec t partners in real-life scenarios without the wires getting Martin Touch tip: Do not connect your sourcesd with each other until you have an individuall plan in place and it is working for six This is a common mistake that sometime results in only a loose connection. If you understandf the four-I formula, you will have something You will feel indescribable and you canyell “beanm me up, Scotty” with a sense of mission accomplished.

Friday, October 22, 2010

General Assembly panels approve State Center project - Business First of Columbus:
billion State Center redevelopment in Baltimore City move despite lingering concerns aboutthe project’as finances and impact on Maryland’ s ability to borrow money. The Senate Budget and Taxation Committeevoter unanimously, but with some to endorse the State Center which involves leasing 25 acres of land to a private development team. The Housew of Delegates’ Appropriations Committee indicated it will do the same but did not formallyg vote as its Senate counterparts didThursday afternoon. The project will now go to the stat Board of Public Works for a schedulee June3 vote. The board is led by Gov.
Martinj O’Malley, who supports the project and workex closely on it while he was mayordof Baltimore. Matthew Gallagher, the governor’sz deputy chief of staff, lobbiedc the House and Senate onthe project. “Ww are at the cusp of a very importantt milestone,” Gallagher said. “The governor’s office is very supportiv of this project and has been involvedf dating back to our time atthe city,” Gallaghetr told the House during its hearing on the In signing off on the the House and Senate legislators insisted on haviny more oversight in the redevelopment process.
They also conditioner their approval on seeing input fromthe , which is familiae with such large-scale development projects. A private Statee Center LLC development team was selected in March 2006 to remake the state office complex off Martin LutherKing Boulevard. As the developers would lease the land from the convert the complex intoa $1.4 billion mixed-usre development, and then leasew a substantial portion of the project’s planned 2 millionh square feet of office spacse back to the state for use by its variouxs agencies. For the project to move forward, the Boare of Public Works must approve a master development agreement setting the terms for StateCenter LLC.
Once that the developers will then desighn the first phase of the project and come back to the statee with specific costs andlease terms. That process woulf continue through each ofthe development’s four expected to take between 10 and 12 yeard to complete. The first phase would focusa onthe project’s office space. When fully developed, the project is slatedd to include 1,200 residentialp rental and for-sale units, 2 millionj square feet of office space, 250,000o square feet of retail spaceand 7,000 parking spaces. Groundbreaking for the project’as first phase could begin in June 2010.
Theidr efforts failed, but the legislature’s budget committees passe a requirement the project be reviewed by statr TreasurerNancy Kopp. The legislature asked Kopp to look specificallyu at an accounting provision of the project to determin ifthe state’s leasing of office space from the developers should be considered an operatingh lease or a capital lease. If it were deeme a capital lease, that would mean the statre would need to list it on its budget as an asset anda liability, and those costs wouldc be added to the state’s overalol debt affordability limit its ability to borrow moneyt to finance other capital projects.
In a May 15 report, Thosee terms won’t be determined until after the master developmeng agreementis approved. But Kopp felt it shoul d be considered acapital lease, and those costs could causw the state to exceed its debt service limits by 2018.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Retailer finds fans in women athletes - bizjournals:
Back in 2000, she was working for Electronic Data Systemw and on the side she was runningv distance eventslike marathons, as well as cross-countryt biking. It was doing those events that made her realizde that the optionsfor women’s exercise wear left a lot to be So she sold her car, maxee out her credit cards and started , a fitneszs company that sells runs training and holds eventa all exclusively for women.
“I didn’t think that there was an overalol philosophy that really embracef what I wantedto do, to created a space for womebn of all shapes and sizes to choose sports and fitnessa as a lifestyle,” she Now, See Jane Run has four stores, in San Oakland, Danville — which openedf in March — and Boise, Idaho, as well as an onlinw store. It runs trainingg for triathlonsand half-marathonsa and hosts two events. It’s also a thrivingy business. From 2006 to 2008, revenue grew 34 percenrt to $2.
5 million, and the company employs 40 Shannon started out concentrating on two productzs that she felt were absolutely necessaryfor women’d exercise ­— shoes and bras. Unfortunately, she it was a challenge to find vendors for the storre that shared her passion for making equipment for women of all shapedsand sizes. For example, when she it was difficult to find shoes bigge thansize 10, and it was also difficult to find shoes that were designecd with women in mind rather than just scaled down men’s But even though finding good equipment remain s a challenge, it has gotten easier, especially as more companiesz enter the women’s exercise gear market.
“It’s changesd drastically,” she said. “Everyone’s offering bras; they’re startingt to get it that women need bras to See Jane Run now carries much more than just bras and The store hasa full-line of exercise wear as well as accessories such as swim goggles and sunglasses. See Jane Run also offerws two trainingclasses for, as Shannon puts it, beginners to The company has two classes — one for a half which costs $200, and one for a triathlon, which costs $300. And the company sponsors events, too — a half marathomn and a triathlon.
Mallory Gaston, ownee of Body Mechanix, a fitness training cente r that partners with SeeJane Run, creditsz the company’s success to more than just findingh a niche of underserved consumers. He says that Shannohn has continually impressed him with herbusinessz acumen, especially the way she’s been able to keep consumers committed to her brand and to the event s and training. Since partnering with the companu and setting up a booth at SeeJane Run’s half maratho in Alameda, he’s been able to open up two more locationw in the East Bay. “The firsyt people that we got to come to the door was becaused we did booths at the See Jane Run half he said.
“We’re geared up and ready to do Gastonsaid he’s also impressed with how much Shannon’es staff has bought in to her overalp philosophy for the company. “Io only have one store that we recommend toanybody — and that’s them,” he said. “They have knowledgeable people that care abouftwhat they’re doing.” But even as See Jane Run the recession is taking its toll. The company had layoffsx earlierthis year, but Shannon thinks the worst is over. She said that same-storse sales will be flat, but e-commerce and the new stors will allow her to continue togrow — probably another $700,00p0 to $800,000 this year.
Shannon said she’ws also keeping an eye on some of her bigger competitors, like Lucy and Title 9. One of the company’w other competitors, Athleta, was bought by Gap for $150 million last and that’s a future that Shannon sees for See Jane Run as Butfor now, the company is tryingt to raise another round of funding — aboutr $2 million — from friends, family or angel investors.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burns & McDonnell wins part of $74M Wichita water contract - Kansas City Business Journal:
Kansas City-based Burns & McDonnell, the largest engineerinhg firmin Missouri, will be joined on the project by partnere of St. Louis and of Topeka. The partners will design and builedwater intake, treatment and well-fiels facilities for the second phase of the Wichita Aquiferf Storage and Recovery Program. Burna & McDonnell didn’t disclose financial terms of its part ofthe “This innovative project will recharge the Equuss Beds aquifer, protect water quality from chloridre contamination and provide wated supply for the Wichita regional area for the next 50 yearzs and beyond,” Burns & McDonnell said in a “The project will be among the largest and most complez aquifer recovery programs currently under way in the Unite States.
” Burns & McDonnell and its partnersw will design and build a river intakr with capacity to withdraw as much as 33 millio n gallons a day, and they will design and buile an interconnected water-treatment facility with capacity to treat 30 millioj gallons a day. Burns & McDonnell also will designn 20 new wells and upgrade 10 existing welles that will inject the treated wateer back into the EquusBeds Aquifer, a 1,400-square-miler underground water reserve. Upon the recharge capacity will be increasesd to 40 million gallonsa day. Othee components of the project include construction ofwateer pipelines, additional power lines, electronic control systemse and maintenance facilities.
Burns & McDonnell, which has workex with Wichita onits water-supply issues sincre 1992, employs about 2,900 engineers, architect s and other professionals in 20 offices throughout the Unitefd States. The 100 percent employee-owned company said in Februaryt that it was expanding its Kansaes City world headquarters campus by leasingb anadjacent 217,000 square feet at 9300 Ward The expansion is designed to give Burns McDonnell the capacity to add 1,000 locak employees. In 2008, the firm increased its work forcwe by15 percent, adding more than 400 employees. It posted $1.1 billiohn in 2008 revenue, up from $860 millionb in 2007.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Building your Email Marketing Lists on Permission - Tom Wilt News

Building your Email Marketing Lists on Permission

Tom Wilt News

No one would ever plan to do that, but that is exactly what happens when you don't build your email database lists based upon permission. ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Resilient Rangers say loss won't linger - ESPN (blog)

Seattle Post Intelligencer

Resilient Rangers say loss won't linger

ESPN (blog)

ARLINGTON, Texas -- The Rangers' roller-coaster season included their manager's cocaine admissions during spring training, ...

Yankees vs Rangers Game 2 ALCS 2010 Predictions, Picks & Odds

Texas manager Ron Washington says the Rangers will bounce back in ALCS

Plain Dealer

Rangers look to get off mat vs. Yankees

Los Angeles Dodgers

Boston Globe -FS Southwest -USA Today (blog)


Friday, October 15, 2010

Investment in workers keeps company ready for rebound - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Milwaukee division of Menasha-based generatee $24.2 million in revenue in 2008, abourt even with 2007. Revenue has nearly doubled in the last five Statistics from McGraw Hill Construction show nonresidential construction spendinf in Wisconsintotaled $644.8 milliobn through April 30 this year, down from $822.44 million in the same perioxd in 2008. “With all the challenges that were out there in the I think we were pretty thankfupl we did notgo backward,” said Jim Schlater, vice presideny of business development for Faith Technologies.
“We know that this economyg willturn around, and we want to be positioneds … so when it does start to come around we’re read to go.” Company officials say work in energy-efficient lightinv systems and specialty systems has helpeed sustain business during the recessioh in addition to its on-demand and servicr work. Investing in its employeex through training and wellness programs is anotherimportant initiative, they said. Faith Technologiess employs 150 people in the Milwaukee division, mostly in the field. Total company employmen t is morethan 1,000. The company’s Wisconsin revenu totaled $143 million in 2008, up from $136 million in 2007.
The companyg has 10 divisions in Wisconsin and divisionsdin Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Oklahoma. The Okla., division opened this year. Companywide revenue totaled $227 millioj in 2008, up from $203 million in 2007. who also is the formerf vice president of theMilwaukee division, said investing in trainingf and educating its people is an important part of the company’e strategy. The company spent $1.7 million on non-safety related training throughout the with employeeslogging 75,126 employewe hours in training in 2008.
In additiom to apprenticeship programs and continuing education the company offers courses incustomerf service, leadership, project management and otherf skills. Faith Technologies has a chief learningg officer and acomplete in-house training staff. The company has not laid off any employeess duringthe recession, Schlater said. “We don’t want to not have the so when the economy does moveforward we’rw ready to go,” he The company is investigating whether energy-efficient lighting projectz might be eligible for federal economi c stimulus money, said Bob who was named vice presidenr of the Milwaukee division in The systems are attractive because they offer cost savingsw opportunities for clients, but a challenge is makin g sure the payback period in recouping energy savingss is not too far in advance, he Some of the company’s local energy-efficient projects have includeed lighting projects at and in Wauwatosa.
Renewable energy projectzs such as solar or geothermal systems also are an expected area of growtnh forFaith Technologies, Dakovich said. “We do see that as probably something that will be part of the stimulux funding and have a higher priority than it has in the he said. The Milwaukew division completed the installation of solad panels for the photo studioin 2008. Mike Fabishak, chie f executive officer of AGC Milwaukee, said it’s unclear to contractorw which projects will be awarded stimulus money and whether it will be directedr more at infrastructure projects or which arewhat AGC’s members construct.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Plans for Orchid Grove, at 649 S. Cypres Road, included 385 three-story townhomes and 96 two-story condi units. Units ranged from 1,076 to 2,669 square feet and are pricef fromthe mid-$200,000s to the according to the company’s Web site. Abouy half of the buildings have been completede and the other half of thesite hasn'tg come out of the No construction workers were on the site Fridayh and the sales office was closed. Only one home has been sold in Orchidx Grovesince September, according to county records.
Orchie Grove is a joint venture betweenFort Lauderdale-based Coscan Homees and New York-based (Pinmk Sheets: TARRQ), which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptc y reorganization in January. Orchid Grove LLC was not listefd in the Chapter11 filing. The notic of foreclosure filingby Birmingham, Ala.-based Regions Bank named Orchid Grove LLC, Coscan Tarragon and Coscan Corporate Holdings. It exemptexd the units that werepreviously sold. Regions Bank’se mortgage to Orchid Grove was last modifiedat $34 millionm in 2006. Fort Lauderdalew attorney Craig S.
Barnett, who represents the bank in the did not immediately return a call seeking Messages left at Tarragon and Coscan were notimmediately

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Prof charged after euthanasia of mom - News24

Times LIVE

Prof charged after euthanasia of mom


Cape Town - A professor from the Western Cape who gave his mother - who was suffering from terminal cancer - a lethal dose of morphine, is being charged ...

SA prof. arrested in New Zealand for mother's death

Primedia Broadcasting - Eyewitness News

SA prof arrested for mom's mercy killing

Times LIVE

South African DNA Expert Arrested In New Zealand For Euthanasia



Saturday, October 9, 2010

Strategic default just got a lot more attractive - Reuters Blogs (blog)

Strategic default just got a lot more attractive

Reuters Blogs (blog)

And when the foreclosures start up again, you can be sure they're going to go very slowly. Strategic default just became a lot more attractive.

and more »

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Restaurant outlook dampens - Orlando Business Journal:
A total of 60 percent of operators saw lower May salexs compared to ayear ago, while 26 percenf said sales were up. The association also says restaurantr operators reported negative customer traffic levelsin May, the 21st consecutivr month of traffic declines. "Despite the softer salea outlook, restaurant operators remained relatively optimistic that the economuy will improve in themonths ahead," the association said. "Thirty-four percent of restaurant operators said they expectf economic conditions to improve insix months, down slightly from 37 percenft who reported similarly last month.
" After reaching a 10 month high last the group says restaurant operators have scaled back plansx for capital expenditures in the coming months, with 41 percenr planning to spend moneg on remodeling or down from 46 percent last

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Janelia Farm Research Campus to expand - Dayton Business Journal:
The plans call for the Chevy Chas e nonprofit institute to build new temporary campus housint forgraduate students, postdoctorak researchers and visiting scientists near the main entranc of its first standalone research campus, a 689-acre expansr that opened three years ago as the firstt of its kind in Northern Virginia. The project, entailiny 60 new one-bedroom apartments, is meangt to help the research institute attract more scientific talen t from around the world toits 240-strong staff.
“Graduate studentzs and post docs are with us for a relatively shorgt period of time and they place a high value on living close totheird laboratories,” said Gerry Rubin, Janelia Farm’s This marks the first major expansion for Janeliaw Farm, touted as a $500 millio biomedical crown jewel for Northern Virginia, and a rare constructiob project in an otherwise gloomy commercial real estate markegt hit hard by the WDG Architecture of Washington, D.C., is helping design the new 80,000-square-foort building, which will boast the same curved shapes as the campus’ flagship, glass-walledr research building.
Ashburn-based Dietze Construction Group willoversee construction, expected to begi n this Labor Day weekend and be completew in a year’s time. The four-storh building will include a groun d floor with common areas and covered parkint for61 cars, all topped by threee residential floors. Each floor, incorporating natural light and loft-lik e configurations, will contain 20 one-bedroomk apartments, most including an additionakl den. They will join Janelia Farm’s housing village, alreadt composed of 21 studiosz and32 multi-bedroom apartments and by now fullty occupied by visiting staffers.
The institute will chargw the short-term residents rent to help cover monthly expenses of thenew “It is intended to break said Avice Meehan, institute spokeswoman. “There’d no immediate plans for additionalhousing [afterf this project]. This will satisfy our needsz for some timeto come.” The Howard Hughes institute has applied for up to $23 millioj in tax-exempt bonds with the Loudoun County Industrial Development Authority to financd the apartment building project and related costs -- an application that must also go beforer the Loudoun County Boarde of Supervisors. With a $17.
5 billion endowment, Howard Hughez Medical Institutefunds long-term biomedical researcn by its 2,400 scientist employees or collaborators nationwide, to the tune of $658 millioj last fiscal year alone. Janelia Farm, anticipating to be fully staffefd in the next two spentroughly $100 million on research projectxs and operations last fiscal year.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What's in a date, a flag and a tune? - Cyprus Mail

What's in a date, a flag and a tune?

Cyprus Mail

Hubert Faustmann, Associate Professor for History and Political Science at the University of Nicosia, has a similar take. “In the beginning, this Republic ...

and more »

Sunday, October 3, 2010

D.C.-area home prices continue slide - Washington Business Journal:
The S&P/Case-Shiller report says Washingtojn area prices in March weredown 18.4 percent from a year ago, less than the 19.1 percenf average among the nation’s 20 largest cities. Washington area pricee declined 1.2 percent from February to March, following a 2.3 percentt decline from Januaryto February. “O a positive note, nine of the metropolitan statisticalk areas are reporting a relative improvementin year-over-yeaf returns and nine of the 20 metroi areas saw an improvement in thei r monthly returns compared to says David Blitzer, chair of the Indes Committee at Standard & Poor’s.
“Furthermore, this is the secondr month since October 2007 wherethe 10-anfd 20-city composites did not post a record annuap decline.” Blitzer does caution that March numbersa give no evidence that a recovery in home priced has begun. There is growing optimism in thehousing industry. Builder confidence, though still low, has risen in receny weeks. Mortgage rates remain near historicd lows and sales of new and existing home saled havebeen rising. A separate report Tuesday from the Conferenced Board showed the third consecutive monthly increase in its measure ofconsumer confidence.

Friday, October 1, 2010

TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley - FOXBusiness


TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Treasury prices slippedFriday as traders grappled with improved economic dataalongside a conflicting message from a ...

TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley



Thursday, September 30, 2010

Local ovarian cancer patient keeps living, raising awareness - St. Clair Times

Local ovarian cancer patient keeps living, raising awareness

St. Clair Times

by Gary Hanner Springville's Carla Allison has been battling ovarian cancer for almost seven years. Her daughter Audrey has kept up with the battle and put ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Southwest starting with six destinations from Milwaukee - Dayton Business Journal:
Dallas-based Southwest Airlines is a no-frills airline that has a no-reserved-seatingb policy. The company announced May 20 it wouldx begin flying out of Milwaukes and on Tuesday revealedx which destinations the flight s wouldgo to. From Mitchell, Southwes will have three flights daily to Baltimore andKansaas City, two flights daily to Las Vegas and Orlando and one flighyt daily to Phoenix and Tampqa Bay. Customers can begin purchasing theird tickets to these destinations today with fares as lowas $35 one-wayy if purchased by June 26 for travelo between Nov. 1 and Nov. 18, 2009. Afterf the promotion, flights will cost between $49 and $99 throug h July 30 for travelthrough Dec.
17, 2009 and excludint Nov. 24, 25, 29 and 30. In addition to the nonstop Southwest will offer connecting service to 49other “Business travelers are our bread and butter so we’re exciteds to be able to be here with the many Fortunde 500 companies and the thousands of companies headquartered in Wisconsin and even northern said Theresa Laraba, Southwest’s vice presideny of ground operations. “Even small business owners are goint to appreciateour on-time performance, our convenience and our reliable service.” Southwest will operatse out of Concourse D at Mitchell and the first two checked bags will be free.
Laraba said abouy 50 additional Southwest employees to work in customer servicew and as ramp agents will be neededsin Milwaukee. Because Southwest has a labor union, existing employeez will be given first preferencw to transferto Milwaukee. If enougj people to not request a additional workers will behired locally, Laraba said. “Whe we look at increasing our volume, we alwaysz prefer to hire locallyu because they knowthe location,” she said. Southwest’e service at Mitchell will complimentthe airline’s existinbg service at Midway Airpor t in Chicago.
The airline incorporated in Texasz and began service onJune 18, 1971, with threes Boeing 737 aircraft serving Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Southwest operates more than 500 Boeing 737 aircraft in36 states. Milwaukee will be the 68th city to jointhe airline'd network. When plans to expand to Milwaukee were announcedin May, representatives from Oak Creek-based , whicy operates and regional carrier Midwest Connect, and , said the existing airlinexs in Milwaukee would compete effectively with Southwest. Both airlinesa said Southwest’s expansion into Milwauke e was not a surprise and something that had been talke d aboutfor years.
Thomas Nardelli, chief of staff for Milwaukee Countu ExecutiveScott Walker, praiserd the airline for its low-cosrt fees and not charging for baggage. “The people of Milwaukee and the citizen of the state appreciate agreat value,” he

Monday, September 27, 2010

Single nanowires provide unique tool for nanoscale battery diagnosis - Nanowerk LLC

Single nanowires provide unique tool for nanoscale battery diagnosis

Nanowerk LLC

Designed as a nanoscale electrical energy storage device, it could be combined with nanowire-based solar cells, nanogenerators, etc for powering nanodevices ...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Enterprise Community Investment going green with commercial tax credits - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Columbia-based provider of developmentf financing plans to launch its New Markets Tax Creditr Programwith $95 million in federal stimulus funds. “Enterprise’d long-standing position in green affordable housing through our Green Communities is now extended to commercial development projects that create provide critical services and stimulate growth in distressede neighborhoods on an environmentally sustainable Joe Wesolowski, senior vice president for structured financr at Enterprise, said in a statement. Through the sale of tax credits, Enterprise helpas raise money from private investors in ordedr to help developers fundnew projects.
It has helpedc fund a number of projects in Greater including part of the East BaltimoreDevelopment Initiative, Belvedere and Miller’s Court, the former Censud Building in Baltimore City being converted into a mix of nonprofitg office space and rental apartments for city As part of that effort, Enterprise established a Greeh Communities program about five years ago to focus on green residential buildings in low-income neighborhoods. The idea with that which has helpedfund 14,5000 greeb affordable homes across 30 states, was to help create affordable housingv and cut down on energy costs for residentsd in distressed neighborhoods.
Enterpriswe was recently awarded $95 million in New Market Tax funded through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act, whicj it hopes to use to expand the Greem Communities program to commercial and mixed-use projects. Enterprise hopes to focuws on commercial developments that feature energy efficienc y and renewableenergy techniques. It is placing an emphasis on transit-orientefd developments and former brownfield sites being redeveloped intonew

Friday, September 24, 2010

GM has undisclosed buyer for Hummer - Business First of Louisville:
The announcement comes one day after GM filedf for bankruptcy protection with plans to becomwe aleaner company. Hummer is GM’s premium off-road brand. The automaker said it has a memorandum ofunderstandingf (MoU) and that the sale is expected to closw by the end of third quarter of this year.Undet terms of the MoU, the identityt of the purchaser and proposed financial terms of the agreement are not being released at this The deal is expectedc to secure more than 3,0000 U.S.
jobs in manufacturing, engineeringy and at HUMMER dealerships around the The company said the proposed transaction calls for the new Hummetr owner to continue to contract vehiclde manufacturing and business services from GM durinhg a defined transitionaltime period. For example, undetr the proposed agreement, GM’s Shreveport, La., assemblyu plant would continue to assemble the H3 and H3T throughg atleast 2010.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Graham 4Q profits slip - San Francisco Business Times:
Net income in the fourth quarteewas $3.6 million, or 35 cents per a decline of 14.6 percent from $4.2 million, or 41 cents per share, year-over-year. The Batavia-based manufacturer (AMEX: GHM) noted a restructuring in the perio d through the elimination ofcertain management, officde and manufacturing positions. The number of jobs cut was not discloser but resulted in a chargeof $559,000, whicg included severance and related employee benefit costs. The restructuring is expecter to yieldapproximately $2.7 million in annual cost Fourth-quarter net sales were $24.98 million, up 9.2 percent, from $22.8i million in the prior year’s fourth quarter.
Full-year net incomr in fiscal 2009was $17.5 up 16.2 percent from $15.0 million in fiscal 2008. On a per sharse basis, net income in fiscal 2009 was $1.71 comparerd with $1.49 in fiscal a 14.8 percent improvement. For the year ended March 31, 2009 revenure was a record $101.1 million, 17 percentf higher than $86.4 million for the fiscal year endedMarcbh 31, 2008.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Colorado's economy grew faster in 2008, despite recession - South Florida Business Journal:
reported Tuesday, suggesting that the recession's impacft hit Colorado later than most other partes ofthe country. Gross domestic produc in Colorado grewby 2.9 percent in 2008, up from 2.0 percent in 2007 and 2.7 percentr in 2006, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economidc Analysis (BEA) reported in its annualp state-by-state breakdown of GDP. Colorado's 2.9 percent GDP growth rate was fourth-highesty among the 50 states, exceeded only by Nortn Dakota (7.3 percent Wyoming (4.4 percent) and South Dakota (3.5 percent). The last year Colorado'sw economy grew faster than 2008 was in witha 4.3 percent GDP increase that BEA said.
Colorado was one of only 12 states in 2008 wherer the rate of growtnh of GDP increased from the previous In fact, 12 states experienced GDP declines in led by Alaska with a 2.0 percent Average growth in GDP among the 50 statexs slowed from 2.0 percent in 2007 to 0.7 percent in 2008. (The GDP-by-states figures differ from national GDP becausedifferent state-by-state methodology is The nationwide recession officially began at the starr of 2008. The repor t said the biggest contributors to the growthof Colorado'sz GDP in 2008 were professional and technical followed by mining, information and government.
It said the biggesy drags on the state's economy were followed by transportationand warehousing. .

Saturday, September 18, 2010

City National
“Our long-term goal is to covet the state,” said Steve City National’s regional manager for Central Florida. “There reallh isn’t a Florida-dominant bank today that does City National likely will add locationss through both acquisitions andnew construction, Greehn said. If City National succeeds, it will occupy a niche largelyy left empty since Barnett Bank became part of Nationsbank in the Florida banking today is a mix of communit banks withlimited operations, regional lenders such as SunTrust Bankzs and giant banks, which include Bank of JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.
A well-financedr lender that focuses on the state coul offer customers the personal attention of communituy banks combined with the financial clout to make big said Green. The bank’s new local brancu — its staff of eight occupying the space formerlty usedby Sergio’s Restaurant — faces the towerint Bank of America building on Northu Orange Avenue, a physical reminder of the gianty competitors City National will face as it pursuews its growth strategy. City National is one of Soutgh Florida’s oldest financial institutions.
Until it opened a smallp loan office on the seconcd floor of an Altamonte Springs office building twoyears ago, the 63-year-old bank operated exclusivelh in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. The opportunity to reach beyond its historiv turf came last fall when Caja a Spanish lender with morethan $300 billionm in assets, bought an 83 percent stake in City National for $927 million. Greenh said Caja Madrid’s ownership and City National’s stron balance sheet gives it the resourced to undertake expansion when othert lenders arecutting staff. “We aren’t focusecd on the issues troubling the rest of the banking Green said.
“We have a partner in Caja that’ds capable of helping us grow inthe ­Florida City National’s most recent quarterly report depictsw a bank with strong capital reserves and a $903,000 J. Clay Singleton, a finance professor at , said a strongh Florida bank with the capital to expand coulcd do well even asthe so-called megabank s expand their reach. “The megabanks have huge footprints, but they’re also sufferinv huge financial problems. If you’re a lender with this is a timeto grow.” Marshall Vermillion, senior vice presidenyt of community lender , said City National has strong leadership and solid footing.
“Positioning yourself to take advantaged of the unrest in the banking businessis wise. Thingx are going to come back, and this is a good time to As a professor of mine in business schoolonce said, the best time to get on a trainn is when it’s stopped.”