Sunday, October 31, 2010

Air America, Bonneville reach local marketing agreement for 1050 AM - Portland Business Journal:
The progressive talk radiok network has reached a local marketing agreement with to begin broadcasting its programmingon Bonneville’sa 1050 AM signal in the Washington area. Air America expectd to launch during the monthof June, althouggh an official date, call letterd and programming line-up have not yet been As part of the agreement, Air Americaa will essentially lease the signall from Bonneville, and then handle operations, programming and advertisinv sales. Financial terms of the multi-year deal were not Air America has hired some local sales and will occupy a small spacein Bonneville’x Washington offices. “Air America is obviously very interestexd inthe D.C.
market,” said Bennettg Zier, Air America’s CEO and a former executivde with Clear Channel and Red ZebraBroadcasting locally. “It’s where decisionsa are made. Its number one business is politics.” Air Americqa initially approached Bonneville to put together the which had been looking for someone to pick up the The deal came togetherf during the pastfew months. Currently, Bonnevillre simulcasts WTOP’s signal on 1050 AM, along with some sportz programming. The sports programming will Bonneville Senior Regional Vice President Joel Oxley which will mainly be heard on nightsand weekends.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Its customers had One of the first tasks the new managementf ofthe Dublin-based fast-food chain undertook last fall was to survey more than 5,009 consumers. The results helped shape planning for all aspectsw ofthe business, owned by Atlanta-based Wendy’s/Arby’ s Group Inc., including Wendy’a once-heralded new-product development pipeline that had lost its pizzazzx in recent years. “We didn’t have a disciplines testing process,” said Chief Marketingb OfficerKen Calwell. “We’ve rebuilrt it.” The result is a company-recorcd 14 products in testing.
One of the firstt to make it throughb is bonelesschicken wings, which are hittinyg the chain’s more than 6,00p restaurants. Calwell, who was in charge of marketin g and research and development for before returning to was theburger chain’s vice presiden for new-product marketing, research and planning from 1998 to 2001. “Io was involved in new products,” he “We had great salexs and outpacedour competitors, but the last few years have been challenging for Wendy’s.
” His group expanded testing to include more operationaol measures to better ensure new product s can be made efficiently and still be Wendy’s is testing at franchisedf operations as well as its company-owned Key to the new process is a 256-question surveg for each item before it can hope to get a greenj light, he said. The questions cover all aspects of the from its taste to financial issues to operational The areas of emphasis will be premium andvalued products, based off Wendy’s core chicken and dessert Frostys. The chain introduced two Frosty s with coffee flavorsthis year.
Calwell said consumer researchshowed Wendy’ s was well-regarded for its chicken, so an expansioh of that line into bonelessd wings made sense. One of the wing a sweet and spicy Asian will be featuredin advertising. Calwelol said the flavor in particular is popular in dishes at casuak and Asian restaurantsand Wendy’s wanted to offer it. , a Chicago-basedf restaurant research company, singled out the use of ethnic flavor s as an industry trend forthis

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oken Jeet Sandham Lauded for National Muaythai at Jammu - KanglaOnline


Oken Jeet Sandham Lauded for National Muaythai at Jammu


JAMMU, Oct 24 (NEPS): Several high ranking officials from Jammu and Kashmir State and Indian Olympic Officials have lauded Oken Jeet Sandham, President of ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NYSE top percentage gainers of the day (RCL, MCP, COH, CML, TNC) - Tech24


NYSE top percentage gainers of the day (RCL, MCP, COH, CML, TNC)


(NYSE:RCL) Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. belonging to the Services sector and General Entertainment industry currently is trading at a price of $40.23, ...

and more »

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eliza Corp. Survey Reveals What's Really Impacting Our National Health ... - NewsBlaze

Eliza Corp. Survey Reveals What's Really Impacting Our National Health ...


(BUSINESS WIRE) - Eliza Corporation, the partner more healthcare organizations turn to for engaging, automated outreach, announces the results of a ...

and more »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Follow the four I
Make no mistake about it: Partners come in all shapeds and sizes. Everyone has God-givemn gifts and talents to sharew — once the relationships are assembled However, making bad connections zaps toomany salespeople. A properlyt utilized, diversified group of partners will take you to the top of the Fail onthis mission, and you will feel like Capt. Kirk and urgentlyh plead for Scotty to beam you up and out of Maximizing the power in your partners lets us work smarted andmore efficiently, and provide the quality of life we all • Identify the source.
• Investigate whether the source sharees your visionand • Implement a plan between you and your • Interconnect the right sources. • Referrak sources: compensation going in one direction. • Strategic two people in the same broad industry who exchange referralswithout compensation. Strategic alliances: people in different industries who share the sametargetr market. • Centers of influence: a cliengt who likes you and has given you at leastf twounsolicited referrals. • Reverse referral an old referral sourcewho can’yt give you referrals directly but has people under them who can do so.
Here is a typicapl scenario: A life insurance professional meets an and everything is fine for a while untiplone partner’s pail of watert is empty. In this it is probably the accountant’s. Why? The life insurancre person probably did not identify that sourc e correctly and assumed it was a typicaklstrategic partnership. Question: Who do you thin k has more clientsto refer? The right? So, since the life insurance personn cannot feed the beast, it eventuallyh eats him. That partnership was misclassified; it was probablt a referral source.
There are so many I have createda “peers, partnerws and profits” concept to learn how to identify and connec t partners in real-life scenarios without the wires getting Martin Touch tip: Do not connect your sourcesd with each other until you have an individuall plan in place and it is working for six This is a common mistake that sometime results in only a loose connection. If you understandf the four-I formula, you will have something You will feel indescribable and you canyell “beanm me up, Scotty” with a sense of mission accomplished.

Friday, October 22, 2010

General Assembly panels approve State Center project - Business First of Columbus:
billion State Center redevelopment in Baltimore City move despite lingering concerns aboutthe project’as finances and impact on Maryland’ s ability to borrow money. The Senate Budget and Taxation Committeevoter unanimously, but with some to endorse the State Center which involves leasing 25 acres of land to a private development team. The Housew of Delegates’ Appropriations Committee indicated it will do the same but did not formallyg vote as its Senate counterparts didThursday afternoon. The project will now go to the stat Board of Public Works for a schedulee June3 vote. The board is led by Gov.
Martinj O’Malley, who supports the project and workex closely on it while he was mayordof Baltimore. Matthew Gallagher, the governor’sz deputy chief of staff, lobbiedc the House and Senate onthe project. “Ww are at the cusp of a very importantt milestone,” Gallagher said. “The governor’s office is very supportiv of this project and has been involvedf dating back to our time atthe city,” Gallaghetr told the House during its hearing on the In signing off on the the House and Senate legislators insisted on haviny more oversight in the redevelopment process.
They also conditioner their approval on seeing input fromthe , which is familiae with such large-scale development projects. A private Statee Center LLC development team was selected in March 2006 to remake the state office complex off Martin LutherKing Boulevard. As the developers would lease the land from the convert the complex intoa $1.4 billion mixed-usre development, and then leasew a substantial portion of the project’s planned 2 millionh square feet of office spacse back to the state for use by its variouxs agencies. For the project to move forward, the Boare of Public Works must approve a master development agreement setting the terms for StateCenter LLC.
Once that the developers will then desighn the first phase of the project and come back to the statee with specific costs andlease terms. That process woulf continue through each ofthe development’s four expected to take between 10 and 12 yeard to complete. The first phase would focusa onthe project’s office space. When fully developed, the project is slatedd to include 1,200 residentialp rental and for-sale units, 2 millionj square feet of office space, 250,000o square feet of retail spaceand 7,000 parking spaces. Groundbreaking for the project’as first phase could begin in June 2010.
Theidr efforts failed, but the legislature’s budget committees passe a requirement the project be reviewed by statr TreasurerNancy Kopp. The legislature asked Kopp to look specificallyu at an accounting provision of the project to determin ifthe state’s leasing of office space from the developers should be considered an operatingh lease or a capital lease. If it were deeme a capital lease, that would mean the statre would need to list it on its budget as an asset anda liability, and those costs wouldc be added to the state’s overalol debt affordability limit its ability to borrow moneyt to finance other capital projects.
In a May 15 report, Thosee terms won’t be determined until after the master developmeng agreementis approved. But Kopp felt it shoul d be considered acapital lease, and those costs could causw the state to exceed its debt service limits by 2018.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Retailer finds fans in women athletes - bizjournals:
Back in 2000, she was working for Electronic Data Systemw and on the side she was runningv distance eventslike marathons, as well as cross-countryt biking. It was doing those events that made her realizde that the optionsfor women’s exercise wear left a lot to be So she sold her car, maxee out her credit cards and started , a fitneszs company that sells runs training and holds eventa all exclusively for women.
“I didn’t think that there was an overalol philosophy that really embracef what I wantedto do, to created a space for womebn of all shapes and sizes to choose sports and fitnessa as a lifestyle,” she Now, See Jane Run has four stores, in San Oakland, Danville — which openedf in March — and Boise, Idaho, as well as an onlinw store. It runs trainingg for triathlonsand half-marathonsa and hosts two events. It’s also a thrivingy business. From 2006 to 2008, revenue grew 34 percenrt to $2.
5 million, and the company employs 40 Shannon started out concentrating on two productzs that she felt were absolutely necessaryfor women’d exercise ­— shoes and bras. Unfortunately, she it was a challenge to find vendors for the storre that shared her passion for making equipment for women of all shapedsand sizes. For example, when she it was difficult to find shoes bigge thansize 10, and it was also difficult to find shoes that were designecd with women in mind rather than just scaled down men’s But even though finding good equipment remain s a challenge, it has gotten easier, especially as more companiesz enter the women’s exercise gear market.
“It’s changesd drastically,” she said. “Everyone’s offering bras; they’re startingt to get it that women need bras to See Jane Run now carries much more than just bras and The store hasa full-line of exercise wear as well as accessories such as swim goggles and sunglasses. See Jane Run also offerws two trainingclasses for, as Shannon puts it, beginners to The company has two classes — one for a half which costs $200, and one for a triathlon, which costs $300. And the company sponsors events, too — a half marathomn and a triathlon.
Mallory Gaston, ownee of Body Mechanix, a fitness training cente r that partners with SeeJane Run, creditsz the company’s success to more than just findingh a niche of underserved consumers. He says that Shannohn has continually impressed him with herbusinessz acumen, especially the way she’s been able to keep consumers committed to her brand and to the event s and training. Since partnering with the companu and setting up a booth at SeeJane Run’s half maratho in Alameda, he’s been able to open up two more locationw in the East Bay. “The firsyt people that we got to come to the door was becaused we did booths at the See Jane Run half he said.
“We’re geared up and ready to do Gastonsaid he’s also impressed with how much Shannon’es staff has bought in to her overalp philosophy for the company. “Io only have one store that we recommend toanybody — and that’s them,” he said. “They have knowledgeable people that care abouftwhat they’re doing.” But even as See Jane Run the recession is taking its toll. The company had layoffsx earlierthis year, but Shannon thinks the worst is over. She said that same-storse sales will be flat, but e-commerce and the new stors will allow her to continue togrow — probably another $700,00p0 to $800,000 this year.
Shannon said she’ws also keeping an eye on some of her bigger competitors, like Lucy and Title 9. One of the company’w other competitors, Athleta, was bought by Gap for $150 million last and that’s a future that Shannon sees for See Jane Run as Butfor now, the company is tryingt to raise another round of funding — aboutr $2 million — from friends, family or angel investors.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Burns & McDonnell wins part of $74M Wichita water contract - Kansas City Business Journal:
Kansas City-based Burns & McDonnell, the largest engineerinhg firmin Missouri, will be joined on the project by partnere of St. Louis and of Topeka. The partners will design and builedwater intake, treatment and well-fiels facilities for the second phase of the Wichita Aquiferf Storage and Recovery Program. Burna & McDonnell didn’t disclose financial terms of its part ofthe “This innovative project will recharge the Equuss Beds aquifer, protect water quality from chloridre contamination and provide wated supply for the Wichita regional area for the next 50 yearzs and beyond,” Burns & McDonnell said in a “The project will be among the largest and most complez aquifer recovery programs currently under way in the Unite States.
” Burns & McDonnell and its partnersw will design and build a river intakr with capacity to withdraw as much as 33 millio n gallons a day, and they will design and buile an interconnected water-treatment facility with capacity to treat 30 millioj gallons a day. Burns & McDonnell also will designn 20 new wells and upgrade 10 existing welles that will inject the treated wateer back into the EquusBeds Aquifer, a 1,400-square-miler underground water reserve. Upon the recharge capacity will be increasesd to 40 million gallonsa day. Othee components of the project include construction ofwateer pipelines, additional power lines, electronic control systemse and maintenance facilities.
Burns & McDonnell, which has workex with Wichita onits water-supply issues sincre 1992, employs about 2,900 engineers, architect s and other professionals in 20 offices throughout the Unitefd States. The 100 percent employee-owned company said in Februaryt that it was expanding its Kansaes City world headquarters campus by leasingb anadjacent 217,000 square feet at 9300 Ward The expansion is designed to give Burns McDonnell the capacity to add 1,000 locak employees. In 2008, the firm increased its work forcwe by15 percent, adding more than 400 employees. It posted $1.1 billiohn in 2008 revenue, up from $860 millionb in 2007.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Building your Email Marketing Lists on Permission - Tom Wilt News

Building your Email Marketing Lists on Permission

Tom Wilt News

No one would ever plan to do that, but that is exactly what happens when you don't build your email database lists based upon permission. ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Resilient Rangers say loss won't linger - ESPN (blog)

Seattle Post Intelligencer

Resilient Rangers say loss won't linger

ESPN (blog)

ARLINGTON, Texas -- The Rangers' roller-coaster season included their manager's cocaine admissions during spring training, ...

Yankees vs Rangers Game 2 ALCS 2010 Predictions, Picks & Odds

Texas manager Ron Washington says the Rangers will bounce back in ALCS

Plain Dealer

Rangers look to get off mat vs. Yankees

Los Angeles Dodgers

Boston Globe -FS Southwest -USA Today (blog)


Friday, October 15, 2010

Investment in workers keeps company ready for rebound - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Milwaukee division of Menasha-based generatee $24.2 million in revenue in 2008, abourt even with 2007. Revenue has nearly doubled in the last five Statistics from McGraw Hill Construction show nonresidential construction spendinf in Wisconsintotaled $644.8 milliobn through April 30 this year, down from $822.44 million in the same perioxd in 2008. “With all the challenges that were out there in the I think we were pretty thankfupl we did notgo backward,” said Jim Schlater, vice presideny of business development for Faith Technologies.
“We know that this economyg willturn around, and we want to be positioneds … so when it does start to come around we’re read to go.” Company officials say work in energy-efficient lightinv systems and specialty systems has helpeed sustain business during the recessioh in addition to its on-demand and servicr work. Investing in its employeex through training and wellness programs is anotherimportant initiative, they said. Faith Technologiess employs 150 people in the Milwaukee division, mostly in the field. Total company employmen t is morethan 1,000. The company’s Wisconsin revenu totaled $143 million in 2008, up from $136 million in 2007.
The companyg has 10 divisions in Wisconsin and divisionsdin Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Oklahoma. The Okla., division opened this year. Companywide revenue totaled $227 millioj in 2008, up from $203 million in 2007. who also is the formerf vice president of theMilwaukee division, said investing in trainingf and educating its people is an important part of the company’e strategy. The company spent $1.7 million on non-safety related training throughout the with employeeslogging 75,126 employewe hours in training in 2008.
In additiom to apprenticeship programs and continuing education the company offers courses incustomerf service, leadership, project management and otherf skills. Faith Technologies has a chief learningg officer and acomplete in-house training staff. The company has not laid off any employeess duringthe recession, Schlater said. “We don’t want to not have the so when the economy does moveforward we’rw ready to go,” he The company is investigating whether energy-efficient lighting projectz might be eligible for federal economi c stimulus money, said Bob who was named vice presidenr of the Milwaukee division in The systems are attractive because they offer cost savingsw opportunities for clients, but a challenge is makin g sure the payback period in recouping energy savingss is not too far in advance, he Some of the company’s local energy-efficient projects have includeed lighting projects at and in Wauwatosa.
Renewable energy projectzs such as solar or geothermal systems also are an expected area of growtnh forFaith Technologies, Dakovich said. “We do see that as probably something that will be part of the stimulux funding and have a higher priority than it has in the he said. The Milwaukew division completed the installation of solad panels for the photo studioin 2008. Mike Fabishak, chie f executive officer of AGC Milwaukee, said it’s unclear to contractorw which projects will be awarded stimulus money and whether it will be directedr more at infrastructure projects or which arewhat AGC’s members construct.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Plans for Orchid Grove, at 649 S. Cypres Road, included 385 three-story townhomes and 96 two-story condi units. Units ranged from 1,076 to 2,669 square feet and are pricef fromthe mid-$200,000s to the according to the company’s Web site. Abouy half of the buildings have been completede and the other half of thesite hasn'tg come out of the No construction workers were on the site Fridayh and the sales office was closed. Only one home has been sold in Orchidx Grovesince September, according to county records.
Orchie Grove is a joint venture betweenFort Lauderdale-based Coscan Homees and New York-based (Pinmk Sheets: TARRQ), which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptc y reorganization in January. Orchid Grove LLC was not listefd in the Chapter11 filing. The notic of foreclosure filingby Birmingham, Ala.-based Regions Bank named Orchid Grove LLC, Coscan Tarragon and Coscan Corporate Holdings. It exemptexd the units that werepreviously sold. Regions Bank’se mortgage to Orchid Grove was last modifiedat $34 millionm in 2006. Fort Lauderdalew attorney Craig S.
Barnett, who represents the bank in the did not immediately return a call seeking Messages left at Tarragon and Coscan were notimmediately

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Prof charged after euthanasia of mom - News24

Times LIVE

Prof charged after euthanasia of mom


Cape Town - A professor from the Western Cape who gave his mother - who was suffering from terminal cancer - a lethal dose of morphine, is being charged ...

SA prof. arrested in New Zealand for mother's death

Primedia Broadcasting - Eyewitness News

SA prof arrested for mom's mercy killing

Times LIVE

South African DNA Expert Arrested In New Zealand For Euthanasia



Saturday, October 9, 2010

Strategic default just got a lot more attractive - Reuters Blogs (blog)

Strategic default just got a lot more attractive

Reuters Blogs (blog)

And when the foreclosures start up again, you can be sure they're going to go very slowly. Strategic default just became a lot more attractive.

and more »

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Restaurant outlook dampens - Orlando Business Journal:
A total of 60 percent of operators saw lower May salexs compared to ayear ago, while 26 percenf said sales were up. The association also says restaurantr operators reported negative customer traffic levelsin May, the 21st consecutivr month of traffic declines. "Despite the softer salea outlook, restaurant operators remained relatively optimistic that the economuy will improve in themonths ahead," the association said. "Thirty-four percent of restaurant operators said they expectf economic conditions to improve insix months, down slightly from 37 percenft who reported similarly last month.
" After reaching a 10 month high last the group says restaurant operators have scaled back plansx for capital expenditures in the coming months, with 41 percenr planning to spend moneg on remodeling or down from 46 percent last

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Janelia Farm Research Campus to expand - Dayton Business Journal:
The plans call for the Chevy Chas e nonprofit institute to build new temporary campus housint forgraduate students, postdoctorak researchers and visiting scientists near the main entranc of its first standalone research campus, a 689-acre expansr that opened three years ago as the firstt of its kind in Northern Virginia. The project, entailiny 60 new one-bedroom apartments, is meangt to help the research institute attract more scientific talen t from around the world toits 240-strong staff.
“Graduate studentzs and post docs are with us for a relatively shorgt period of time and they place a high value on living close totheird laboratories,” said Gerry Rubin, Janelia Farm’s This marks the first major expansion for Janeliaw Farm, touted as a $500 millio biomedical crown jewel for Northern Virginia, and a rare constructiob project in an otherwise gloomy commercial real estate markegt hit hard by the WDG Architecture of Washington, D.C., is helping design the new 80,000-square-foort building, which will boast the same curved shapes as the campus’ flagship, glass-walledr research building.
Ashburn-based Dietze Construction Group willoversee construction, expected to begi n this Labor Day weekend and be completew in a year’s time. The four-storh building will include a groun d floor with common areas and covered parkint for61 cars, all topped by threee residential floors. Each floor, incorporating natural light and loft-lik e configurations, will contain 20 one-bedroomk apartments, most including an additionakl den. They will join Janelia Farm’s housing village, alreadt composed of 21 studiosz and32 multi-bedroom apartments and by now fullty occupied by visiting staffers.
The institute will chargw the short-term residents rent to help cover monthly expenses of thenew “It is intended to break said Avice Meehan, institute spokeswoman. “There’d no immediate plans for additionalhousing [afterf this project]. This will satisfy our needsz for some timeto come.” The Howard Hughes institute has applied for up to $23 millioj in tax-exempt bonds with the Loudoun County Industrial Development Authority to financd the apartment building project and related costs -- an application that must also go beforer the Loudoun County Boarde of Supervisors. With a $17.
5 billion endowment, Howard Hughez Medical Institutefunds long-term biomedical researcn by its 2,400 scientist employees or collaborators nationwide, to the tune of $658 millioj last fiscal year alone. Janelia Farm, anticipating to be fully staffefd in the next two spentroughly $100 million on research projectxs and operations last fiscal year.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What's in a date, a flag and a tune? - Cyprus Mail

What's in a date, a flag and a tune?

Cyprus Mail

Hubert Faustmann, Associate Professor for History and Political Science at the University of Nicosia, has a similar take. รข€œIn the beginning, this Republic ...

and more »

Sunday, October 3, 2010

D.C.-area home prices continue slide - Washington Business Journal:
The S&P/Case-Shiller report says Washingtojn area prices in March weredown 18.4 percent from a year ago, less than the 19.1 percenf average among the nation’s 20 largest cities. Washington area pricee declined 1.2 percent from February to March, following a 2.3 percentt decline from Januaryto February. “O a positive note, nine of the metropolitan statisticalk areas are reporting a relative improvementin year-over-yeaf returns and nine of the 20 metroi areas saw an improvement in thei r monthly returns compared to says David Blitzer, chair of the Indes Committee at Standard & Poor’s.
“Furthermore, this is the secondr month since October 2007 wherethe 10-anfd 20-city composites did not post a record annuap decline.” Blitzer does caution that March numbersa give no evidence that a recovery in home priced has begun. There is growing optimism in thehousing industry. Builder confidence, though still low, has risen in receny weeks. Mortgage rates remain near historicd lows and sales of new and existing home saled havebeen rising. A separate report Tuesday from the Conferenced Board showed the third consecutive monthly increase in its measure ofconsumer confidence.

Friday, October 1, 2010

TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley - FOXBusiness


TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Treasury prices slippedFriday as traders grappled with improved economic dataalongside a conflicting message from a ...

TREASURIES-Prices slip as traders choose data over Dudley
